View Full Version : B737-(NG) Winglet Performance/Fuel Burn

14th Apr 2002, 16:32
Apparently, Boeing promises a 6% less fuel burn benefit with the new winglets installed on their -NG 737s.

Rumour through the grapevine has it that the gain is more in the region of 3% or even less, as experienced by the new customers.

Can anyone shed any light on this argument, preferably based on actual expereince?



15th Apr 2002, 07:57
From Boeing's Own Website:


Depending on the airplane, its cargo, the airline's routes and other factors, winglets have the potential to:

* Lower operating costs by reducing block fuel burn by 3.5 to 4.0 percent on missions greater than 1,000 nautical miles
* Reduce engine maintenance costs· Increase range up to 130 nautical miles
* Improve payload capability by up to 6,000 pounds (.5 to 3 metric tons)
* Improve takeoff performance and obstacle clearance
* Increase optimum cruise altitude capability
* Reduce community noise by .5 to .7 EPNdB
(Effective Perceived Noise Level in Decibels) on takeoff and slight improvement on approach
* Lower emissions through lower cruise thrust

From Flight International:

“Boeing adds BBJ winglets”
Flight International 22-28 February 2000

Interim test data from pre-certification airworthiness check flights supplied to Flight International indicate block fuel savings of up to 3.8% on a 5,100km (2,750nm) leg, or 3.6% on a 1,850km flight for the 800. Range increases by 23Okm, or maximum takeoff weight limit rises by 450kg (990lb). Fuel capability limit rises by 2,720kg. Improved hot-and high take-off performance ranges from 1,090kg at Denver at 30°C, to 1,540kg at Mexico City in the same temperature conditions.

From Boeing Aero 17 Article:



Consensus seems to be up to 4%...even from Boeing
