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View Full Version : Safety Lesson Learning Survey

23rd Nov 2012, 07:47
Now posted in the correct forum, with permission :O

Hi folks.

I am hoping one or more pilots reading this posting may be able to help me.

Specifically, I am looking for a pilot or pilots whom would be interested in being interviewed. The topic would be regarding any in-flight emergency that you may have experienced within UK controlled airspace.

In detail, this interview would form part of an internal safety bulletin that is issued periodically within NATS. The theme of the next issue is True Stories that have good safety lesson learning points.

Ideally, these would be lessons that could apply to technical aspects of pilot/controller interactions, or lessons that apply across work spheres (i.e. the importance of briefing, applying correct procedures etc).

Any interviews would be de-personalised and if required, can be written in such a way that it prevents identification of the specific incident, unless you confirm that you are happy for the details to be released. A full copy of your interview in the proposed feature would be sent to you prior to printing, for you to edit if required.

Should you be interested in assisting, please PM me for contact details.

Thanks for reading.
Stuart Hayes