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View Full Version : English proficiency for the English

warm beer
8th Nov 2012, 11:00
Hi all, need to renew my UK ATPL, been told by the CAA that I need to undertake an English proficiency exam. CAP 804 isn't all that clear where I can do this :ugh:

Any one have any ideas?

8th Nov 2012, 11:09
I did mine at Shoreham. I can't remember the name of the outfit, but it was on the top floor of the old terminal building. Very nice people.

8th Nov 2012, 11:45
What madness.

8th Nov 2012, 11:55
Indeed , and our cousins across the channel were "awarded" it by the DGAC :mad:

Having not completed a Prof Check with a UK examiner for some time, I couldn't take advantage of his ability to certify my proficiency during the check, as all/many examiners can do. . . . . can you not take advantage of this ? or no prof check foreseen soon enough ?

8th Nov 2012, 17:53
The CAA did it on the desk at LGW the other day for an ex colleague, so if you are going to get your licence rather than do it by post that is a very quick solution.

10th Nov 2012, 19:22
Let me state straight away that I am an engineer and do not hold any type of pilots licence.

However, I fail to see why when renewing an ATPL you should be required to prove English proficiency. For an initial issue I can see that it would be a perfectly valid requirement, not every holder of a UK passport can be assumed to be a fluent english speaker.

Is this a new requirement which you have to satisfy once, or is it required at every renewal?

11th Nov 2012, 02:27
Depends on your level of english proficiency. If one is tested to level 6 there will be no requirement for retesting. Interesting enough most chinese and french aviators are tested to that level which makes a farce out of it. If "only" tested to level 4 or 5 there will be retests every few years, the interval is shorter with level 4 than with 5.

11th Nov 2012, 03:58
Hi Warm Beer

You can do it on-line here: LPLUS GmbH - About Us (http://www.lplus.de/ALT/front/start.php?art=114)

It took me 6 months to find this solution. Very quick, simple and cheap. With me it was actually just a short chat on the phone. Job done.

11th Nov 2012, 09:51
Depends on your level of english proficiency. If one is tested to level 6 there will be no requirement for retesting.

Ah OK, that makes more sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me Denti.

Capt Kremmen
13th Nov 2012, 17:24
I think that not a few British ATCO's should be sitting this test - frequently.

24th Nov 2012, 20:10
I think that not a few British ATCO's should be sitting this test - frequently.

So should you, judging by that sentence.