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View Full Version : A vs B econ speeds

flying apple
5th Nov 2012, 08:36
Does anyone has an idea if the econ speeds for a certain cost index are the same?
like 737 vs 320 at the same cost index, do they fly the same speed?

5th Nov 2012, 10:03
No, they do not produce the same speed, it might be in the same ballpark though.

For example we use CI 10 on our 737s and CI 7 on our A320 family. Even on the airbus fleet it doesn't produce the same speed though, depending on FMCG manufacturer it will give a 250kts or 270 kts descent speed for example, while CI 10 on the boeing will produce a 250kts descent. Climb and cruise speeds are a completely different problem altogether.

I would suggest checking out Boeings (http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/articles/qtr_2_07/AERO_Q207_article5.pdf) and Airbus (http://www.smartcockpit.com/download.php?path=docs/&file=Getting_To_Grips_With_The_Cost_Index.pdf) information on the subject.

5th Nov 2012, 16:12
I think the Boeing is stuck with 250kts (or 240kts) leftover from the checkride internal default.

5th Nov 2012, 20:41
That's just below 10000' or FL100. Above that the descent speed is a fix number depending on cost index.

flying apple
5th Nov 2012, 20:59
thank you Denti, that all i needed to know