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2nd Nov 2012, 02:07
I know the is a shortcut to see which software update is installed and the airport directory database. Can anyone help me to find it again?

2nd Nov 2012, 07:28
Will give you,
Display of aircraft model.
Display of current date.
Display of effectivity dates for loaded databases.

2nd Nov 2012, 07:44
Thanks but not what I was looking for. I am talking about the Boeing OPT formerly knows as Boeing laptop tool. There is a shortcut like shift+ctrl+? to bring up a page where you can see if the database is current. Funny enough that info is not provided in the training. But I know it is there I just forgot the combination.

2nd Nov 2012, 09:43
In the Boeing OPT my lot uses, the current update in the laptop is listed on the first page.

2nd Nov 2012, 20:52
What Class are you operating with?

BTW..According to regulations, the currency of the EFB database is required to be checked by the flight crew during pre-flight checks.

3rd Nov 2012, 00:23
OPT administrators can modify screen design either on Boeing's website or after downloading the files from there.
It is an option to display a front screen showing database versions, but these can also be enabled to be shown on eg main screen, takeoff/landing, calculation results etc.
Many variables but only your company OPT administrator may be able to answer where the version can be checked. It should always be possible to be checked by crew!

3rd Nov 2012, 10:57
The currency of our EFB includes only the chart database and is checked before flight. The OPT we use is class 1 on laptops. On this OPT there is a keyboard shortcut to see if the airport database for the OPT is up to date. I know it because I use to update the EFBs in my former company. I just don't remember how to do it anymore. In the OPT itself there is no way to check validity except that it would prob warn us if it was expired. I will try to ask my company responsible but I just thought this would be quicker. I'll post it here if I find it.


Found it in an old email. The command is "alt + shift + ?" when the OPT is running. Just in case anyone else was wondering. Hmmm guess not :-)