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View Full Version : Life Insurance for pilots

Night Flight
1st Nov 2012, 06:25
Hi All,

Trying to get a life insurance coverage for me and my family from HSBC Singapore and I was advised that due to my highly risky occupation (being even more risky due to flying over 400 hours per year) as and (ATPL rated) commercial pilot my premiums would be higher.

Further due to flying more than 400 per year I am expected to have an accident or have have health issues due to flying at high altitude. There for a clause was added stating that disability coverage is not provided if it is directly or indirectly caused by an aviation related activity. Kind of defeats getting this insurance!

Is this normal case with other companies? Any suggestions of other companies which offer Life Insurance for pilots (in Singapore) which don't consider us to be crazy dare devils on death row because of our occupation?

Thanks in advance.


1st Nov 2012, 23:05
Gave up trying to get any kind of health or personal insurances in Singapore from companies operating from a Singapore office, they are about fifty, yes fifty years behind the rest of the insurance industry world wide and apply their own rules which are very restrictive. Had a similar problem with one or two UK companies until it was made clear that I did not fly light aircraft and I asked them to produce actuarial evidence that commercial pilots were an increased risk to, say, truck drivers, train drivers, ships officers etc. etc. obviously they couldn't and agreed to insure me without loading the policy. You are fighting ignorance of the risk in most cases which can be quickly cured, in Singapore you are fighting ingrained prejudice as well.

Suggest you contact companies in your home country/UK/USA etc. make sure they fully understand your situation and that commercial aviation is the safest form of transport. Best of luck.

21st Nov 2012, 17:18
Parabellum is right. Try to get in touch with insurers in your home country. You may find some of the mainstream companies can help but they might want to know you're planning to come back 'at some point' or they may want you to have some ties, such as property, in your home country. Failing that a specialist broker should have access to specialist insurers. I'd be happy to answer any questions if you want to drop me a line.