View Full Version : 1time pilots salaries

28th Sep 2012, 10:14
Apparently pilots got notified that they will only be receiving 50% of their salary this month. That's terrible!

28th Sep 2012, 11:37
The begining of the end?

28th Sep 2012, 14:12
The beginning of the end has long since come and gone. What we are looking at is either the beginning of drastic change of the company's structure in order for it to survive, or the actual bankruptcy and liquidation of it.

I really hope that through some miracle it manages to pull through, but even if it does survive it will look much different when the process is finished: many will lose their jobs.

The cold hard facts speak differently: an airline cannot stay solvent on happy thoughts and cameraderie alone. It needs cash, and quickly.

28th Sep 2012, 14:38
Can someone from 1time actually confirm the above ?

28th Sep 2012, 14:43
I have friends who work there, and they were paid yesterday only 50% of their gross basic.

28th Sep 2012, 15:48
What we are looking at is either the beginning of drastic change of the company's structure in order for it to survive, or the actual bankruptcy and liquidation of it.

Although pessimistic, I highly doubt it's the former. Lets face it, 50% of all crews' salaries for the month of September will hardly make a dent in the debt incurred by the airline (almost R500m). By process of elimination I think this is probably the beginning of liquidation.

28th Sep 2012, 16:24
I fear that you are quite correct. Pulling through something like this almost exclusively happens only in Hollywood movies: you can't expect a business rescue practitioner to miraculously multiply 3 fish and 5 loaves into a feast to feed the masses...

28th Sep 2012, 17:33
I hope we don't see the demise of 1time......South Africa cannot afford to lose another airline.....

29th Sep 2012, 11:41
i guess saa and mango will be celebrating around a fire tonight:ugh::ugh:

29th Sep 2012, 13:16
As much as SAA can take the blame for this due to their uncompetitive practices, one mustn't lose sight of the fact that if the previous management at 1time hadn't effectively raped, ravaged, and pillaged the company to a carcass, it wouldn't be in the dwang in the first place.

No, Rodney James, Michael Snyman, Michael Kaminski and Glen Orsmond deserve most of the blame here.

29th Sep 2012, 18:29
I heard that they are going to retrench quite a few pilot. The strange part is, they are trying to withold salaries from pilots resigning giving only a months notice in stead of two months. This after only paying them only 50% of their salaries. Of course they can get away with murder since most of their pilots are employed via Amico (labour broker). How do you plan to keep loyal pilots if you're into these games? I suppose its still the same henchmen running their flight ops. Shame on you 1time. I thought you progressed beyond these practises of exploiting your staff.

fly nice
29th Sep 2012, 21:09

i guess saa and mango will be celebrating around a fire tonight

That's sick bud! These guys have families and obligations. Perhaps that's how you would think, but don't assume to label others by your standards.

30th Sep 2012, 17:50
I hope that's not the case. If so you'll probably see the guys give 24hour notice. If the 50% salary is true it will be considered breach of contract unless the employees agreed and signed for it in advance. Thats all contracts off the table... Mass exit imminent, which will at least avoid retrenchments for now.

1st Oct 2012, 00:17
Majority of pilots work for Amico as stated above and hence are only contracted to 1Time. That means that 1Time has the upper hand over the pilots and can do what they want. Good luck guys

1st Oct 2012, 05:51
Is it only the pilot's salaries or all employees? I believe the Jetworx engineers have been on 50% salary for 3 months already. Its hearsay so maybe somebody can confirm it? If the office workers are also only getting 50% salary, do they still have to work a full day? Sad state of affairs.

1st Oct 2012, 06:54
This is going to get messy. Fact of the matter is, amico or not, in history airlines in this position tend to do what they like regardless, speak to ex air Atlanta guys.....(before I get shot down, I understand it's a different country, which there for has different labour laws) in a senario like this, they aim to reduce costs as much as possible. If I was one of the high earning senior pilots, I would be weary, only advice, get alpa on standby, although not going to help much, it's some help! From what I understand, it's the whole company, right from the bottom to the top.

1st Oct 2012, 11:37
I think if you're on the Amico Trust system, ALPA will not be of much help. I think if you battle to pay salaries, you obviously don't have money for a lot of other day to day operational expenses.

1st Oct 2012, 11:43
The demise of an airline really benefits nobody. Sadly the type of negativity displayed here, particularly when it really gets into the public domain, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I've booked a couple of SA domestic flights for later this month. Guess which carrier they're not on. Sad but realistic.

1st Oct 2012, 12:39
I know that SAA interviewed a few 1 time guys recently. Has anyone got the nod ?

When Nationwide was about to go bust SAA "rescued" about 15 of their pilots...back in 2008

1st Oct 2012, 14:29
Yes 2 1Time pilots got the nod from SAA.

1st Oct 2012, 16:35
I don't think public insight into the financial woes of an airline will determine whether the airline survives or not. After all, 1time is a public listed company. Its not about negative sentiment either, its just facts. If these facts are known to the unsuspecting public, it could save the unwary traveller a few rands though. I doubt whether 1time is keeping ticket money not flown yet in reserve, as required by law, either. So its not us that's egative, its 1time that is busy stroking the cat!

1st Oct 2012, 19:22
Congrats to the guys that got in at SAA ....:D

I'm sure this could not have come at a better time

2nd Oct 2012, 04:46
I hope it's not true that the guys leave are taken and salaries help back as compensation for shorter notice periods. As far as I understand business rescue, all contracts are off the table (including employment contracts, notice periods, training bonds etc) and the employees become creditors of the company? Can anyone confirm this fact? If this is so, surely withholding salaries or not paying out leave is a serious offense? Any lawyers out there...

2nd Oct 2012, 07:15
Kykweer, you are being very negative. Having researched your previous posts, it becomes very clear you have a 'thing' about 1time, and if you are who I have been told you are it disappoints me, you supposedly have lots of 'friends' there, move on with your life man, you made a decision, stick with it, 1time are trying.....all we know is 'here say'. Not even the pilots there know exactly what is going on. The fact of the matter is their pax loads are good, they the most on time airline in the country month after month if they can get through this, they have a lot going for them, management are giving it their best shot! There are a lot of people behind the company, whether or not they survive is anyone's guess. In terms of the retrenchments, it is unfortunately a fact of life, companies down size! And then we get onto the salaries, having cleared it up with an actual employee, they were never told they were only getting 50 percent, they were told 50 percent would be paid last friday, the other 50 percent most likely by the end of this week, subject to a couple of top end meetings...Fact is SA will be worse off with out 1time.

2nd Oct 2012, 08:44
Kykweer, you are being very negative. Having researched your previous posts, it becomes very clear you have a 'thing' about 1time, and if you are who I have been told you are it disappoints me, you supposedly have lots of 'friends' there, move on with your life man, you made a decision, stick with it, 1time are trying.....all we know is 'here say'. Not even the pilots there know exactly what is going on. The fact of the matter is their pax loads are good, they the most on time airline in the country month after month if they can get through this, they have a lot going for them, management are giving it their best shot! There are a lot of people behind the company, whether or not they survive is anyone's guess. In terms of the retrenchments, it is unfortunately a fact of life, companies down size! And then we get onto the salaries, having cleared it up with an actual employee, they were never told they were only getting 50 percent, they were told 50 percent would be paid last friday, the other 50 percent most likely by the end of this week, subject to a couple of top end meetings...Fact is SA will be worse off with out 1time.

Absolutely. :D

2nd Oct 2012, 10:49
fly1981: I agree with you mate. The 1Time Airline rumour mill has been working overtime.
Just about everything we hear about the airline now should be scrutinised before we take it as fact. Irrespective of whether you work for 1Time or one of its competitors (SAA/Mango/Comair in particular), the bottom line is we'll all be better off if 1Time survives. Finish and klaar.

Anyone in the airline industry in South Africa who takes pleasure in prophesying doom and gloom over 1Time, apart from making a royal arse of themselves when their anonymity is discovered, is cutting off their nose to spite their face. Leave the negative speculation up to the media - that's what they do best.

2nd Oct 2012, 20:24
Well, I know for a fact that the dudes at Comair are rooting for 1Time - they don't want to be the only people facing the 'hole with no bottom' that is SAA/Mango/SAX :E

putt for dough
3rd Oct 2012, 04:46
That's great shrike, it's not just the pilots who stand to lose.
Somehow I suspect KYKWEER isn't one of the comair pilots routing for
1time though.

3rd Oct 2012, 15:12

That's sick bud! These guys have families and obligations. Perhaps that's how you would think, but don't assume to label others by your standards.

fly nice

You read me wrong, I am talking about SAA, SAX, JE stakeholders who see the prospect of even bigger bonuses as one more competitor bites the dust

Treasury grants SAA's R5-billion request | Business | Mail & Guardian (http://mg.co.za/article/2012-10-02-treasury-announces-r5bn-bail-out-for-saa)

3rd Oct 2012, 20:44
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4th Oct 2012, 09:12
Is it true that the BR process is showing a glimmer of hope? I believe ACSA was the biggest thorn in 1Times side and their willing to come to the table...

Toppled AH
4th Oct 2012, 09:50
Correct me if i'm wrong..... but if you have resigned from 1time, been employed by Amico as a contractor to the airline and this is the case with most of the pilots, then Amico are soley responsible for the pilots salaries (read your contract by Amico if you even have one and I bet you don't). Amico should be paying the pilots your FULL salaries and has nothing to do with what financial status the airline is in.....FOOD FOR THOUGHT.

Let me guess it doesn't work like that, It suites both parties whom works for whom when its suites them, guys be careful.

I wish you guys long and hard flying forever......

4th Oct 2012, 15:26
That is a noble ambition, but sadly unrealistic. There is no chance on AMICO actually taking the hit for this one, I am sure they have their asses sufficiently covered for whatever backlash.