View Full Version : IR(R) rating form

21st Sep 2012, 13:43
Hi, looking for a bit of help

Now that form SRG1125 - IMC Rating Application - is redundant, (I presume), does anyone know the number of the replacement form to have an IMCR, now of course the IR(R) added to a licence?

I am aware of having to convert the licence to an EASA one during the process,(form SRG1104), but cannot find anything that looks like the correct form for the IR(R) rating on the CAA website.

Thanking you

21st Sep 2012, 15:51
I don't think that we can presume that its redundant. Effectively you are still applying for an IMC rating and on a UK licence that's exactly what you would get. For the JAA licence then they will have to issue it as an IR/R on an EASA licence as they can no longer issue a JAA licence. In the absence of any other information I would just submit the SRG 1125. I wouldn't even complete the 1104.

21st Sep 2012, 16:28
I recently sent an SRG1133 form to the CAA. Just so happens it arrived Monday 17 September!! They have now made me apply for the new EASA licence at an extra cost of £139 in addition to the £89 required for removal of the restriction on my FI Rating. Therefore, my application is on hold until I return the SRG1104 with copy of medical and certificate of revalidation!

Best submit both and save yourself the delay...

Stan Evil
25th Sep 2012, 18:06
My understanding is that you cannot add a new IR(R) to a JAR/EASA licence. You can add an IMC Rating to a National Licence and you can then get an EASA Licence issued with an IR(R) in it on the basis of your National Licence containing an IMC Rating. Similarly, if your JAR licence already contains an IMC Rating, it will become an IR(R) on conversion to an EASA licence.

6th Oct 2012, 14:56
Hi need advice,

Where does it state for PIC recurrent training under part 91 to be carried out every 12 months.