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13th Sep 2012, 18:00
Dear all,

In the company I work for we have curently only 1 line training captain.
I would like to know if there is a regulatory requirement which doesn't approve a line training captain, who did the line training for a candidate, then can't do the line check.

I have been looking everywhere to find an answer on this. Couldn't find anything. Also no restrictions in our FOM on this.

I remember in my previous airline a line training candidate did always his line check with another line training captain. This wasn't a big issue becuse we had like 10 line training captains. In my current company only 1. Was this just a rule from the airline or is this a JAA/EASA regulation. If so, where can I find this regulation, becuse I am unable to find this :hmm:

13th Sep 2012, 20:40
As far as I remember,line training can be done by any TRI or TRI/TRE but the route check should nesessarily be done by a TRE.

14th Sep 2012, 05:49
There can be a Line Training Captain and in BA we had Line Training F/Os. These guys were given specific training to carry/check that task.
This saved the cost of using a TRI/TRE who were sometimes scarce and gave crewing more flexibility.

17th Sep 2012, 09:11
Interesting to read that BA had Line Training FOs.
In my present company I (Captain) was "line trained" by a FO.
Was told that this was authorised but have not seen any documentation reflecting this. Said FO has approx 700 Total, 500 on type.
If the company says so then I accept it, especially as I get paid and am quite capable of doing it. But it did strike me as odd.
The way I understand it is that to line train one must have requisite experience.
What is the definition of "experience"?
In my company we are talking small Turboprops.
My understanding is that a line trainer should be in overall command and is capable of taking control if trainee screws it up. How likely is this if FO has one tenth of the experience of the Captain being "trained"?
If BA had LT FOs then I assume these people had many hours on type, at least 1500 hours and their ATPL in their pockets. Is this how it was?
I suspect that in my case the company's Captains couldn't be bothered so they pretended that this was the way forward. Have consulted the training manual but could see nothing allowing this to take place.
Awaiting replies.

17th Sep 2012, 10:01
CX also used to have training FOs, like BA I expect these were only used on longer range ops when more than one FO or an FO and SO are required. The training FO can then train the other FO or SO. Don't think they were ever used to train captains.

17th Sep 2012, 10:13
If BA had LT FOs then I assume these people had many hours on type, at least 1500 hours and their ATPL in their pockets. Is this how it was?
From what I remember thats how it was. This was on short and longhaul.

17th Sep 2012, 11:20
Thanks for the replies. I think various people in my present company are rather naive (former Soviet republic, now EU), heavily Russified, not so heavily westernised, somewhat lacking in EU-OPS understanding.
Basically "we want to do it like this so we will".
This is going to take some time, I think...........