View Full Version : Universal FMS and LTBA

30th Jul 2012, 21:47
Does anyone around here flies to Atatürk intl in Universal FMS equipped plane? Is your departure database complete?

31st Jul 2012, 18:40
Why? ~ What's missing?

1st Aug 2012, 12:01
Oh, not much. It turns out that LTBA has about 120 departures and our FMS can allocate only 99 of them per airport. :}

2nd Aug 2012, 19:57
Hmm... ours (Honeywell with Navtech data) shows 140 distinct SIDs out of 227 distinct procedures total for LTBA.

14th Aug 2012, 08:00
Thanks! On our model, make & software of FMS, one enters two digit number to select departure so we can have only 99 of them - something that was no issue until we started flying LTBA.

14th Aug 2012, 17:22
On the assumption that you are unlikely to need more than 99 SIDs at LTBA (and if you do, gosh, fly it in MANUAL and declare 'non=RNAV' to ATC :eek:) why not get your db supplier to load 99 normally used ones?

500 above
14th Aug 2012, 18:01
Most of the SID's there are RNAV SID's, BOAC. Agree with the second part of your post though. Probably not too 'difficult' to ask for an non - RNAV dep.

14th Aug 2012, 18:50
Thank you gentlemen, already been done. I was just curious whether other folks have same issues and same workarounds but I really do appreciate when someone steps in and states the obvious.

17th Aug 2012, 12:52
Dunno about Universals level of service, but Honeywell insist that all procedures must be filled into the database as they will not provide what they call "manual removal" of unused procedures.

Navtech is offering that service to operators of other makes of FMCs, but not in the case of Honeywell.