View Full Version : Dunkeswell Wings & Wheels 14-15th July

12th Jul 2012, 08:11
This year's Dunkeswell rally is on this coming weekend. It's being run in conjunction with Devon & Somerset Flight Training and the South West Airfields Heritage Trust who have organised a wide variety of historic military vehicles to be on show. The grass areas of the airfield are (not unexpectedly) waterlogged but we've done a revised ground plan to accommodate aircraft parking and all the static exhibitors, including classic cars and bikes, on the available hardstanding.

Arrival info is on the Devon Strut website Welcome - Devon Strut (http://www.devonstrut.co.uk)

The usual Devonian hospitality awaits, including an Otter Brewery tent for those wanting to stay overnight.

12th Jul 2012, 11:24
is there enough "high and dry" grass for camping? The weather might just be good enough........
