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View Full Version : Never before, have I seen this...

11th Jul 2012, 16:47
I really don't know whether to laugh or cry :ugh:

Warning: Contains regular profanity!

edit - Allegedly the 'pilot' had zero flying experience...


11th Jul 2012, 16:57
Zero brain too.

11th Jul 2012, 18:06
Toffs do the craziest things

Jan Olieslagers
11th Jul 2012, 18:14
Don't comment before your own final video has been posted.

11th Jul 2012, 18:45
It was a bit silly, especially as the registration was cancelled by the CAA over 12 years ago.

what next
11th Jul 2012, 19:17
I don't understand what you all complain about: This is the kind of spirit that made the dream of flying a reality :)

And when I think back about my beginner's course in hanggliding in the 1980ies it wasn't so different from what we see in that video (I still have some rolls of Super-8-film to prove it!).

Pilot DAR
11th Jul 2012, 19:19
Might that be a frat hazing?

11th Jul 2012, 19:36
Boys having fun! There should be more of this. Kids don't climb trees any more, or use catapults.:D
To us that have knowledge and experience it looks foolhardy but to them it looked like jolly old japes!

11th Jul 2012, 20:08
As a nation, we are known for our sense of irony.....that is excepting our upper classes, who seem devoid of any sense of self-awareness of their own awfulness at times. :D

I'd love this to be a spoof, but I've met too many of these characters to believe that it is anything but genuine. They really are something else.

If there is a bust of R112 this summer, there is a good chance it will be one such character, except driving something more powerful.

PS. Anyone driving an immaculate Chelsea Tractor is no pioneer, trust me.

I'd love to be around for the CAA call. Can someone please record it for me. :O

11th Jul 2012, 20:29
Brilliant! Just think of the bollox he will be able to talk in the pub. :ok:

11th Jul 2012, 20:59
Good for him :ok: Ok the poor S+d had little idea of what he was doing and ended up with a bloody nose but he will either chuck it all in as a bad idea or make a very good pilot in a few years?

Good for the soul springs to mind as does the fact that the guy has spirit something which is lacking in our disapproving society :E


11th Jul 2012, 21:09
Yep, poor sod. He is a trained pilot, trained by the "best" who can guess the instructor...

11th Jul 2012, 21:18
Why would the CAA be interested? For all practical purposes the aircraft does not exist, the person in it was not a pilot, it did not fly free and the event seems to have taken place on private property.

11th Jul 2012, 21:32

Yes he had a bad experience which went wrong but he had the desire and spirit to fly!
I am sure you have watched a film called "those magnificent men in their flying machines"!!!
Watched the early part with people hurling themselves off piers into the sea in all manner of potential yet disasterous flying machines?
That was the past spirit the desire to fly?
Properly harnessed that same spirit could lead to a good pilot?
Dont you think?
I saw today in the press a piece on the newly crowned world champion base jumper! Not a 20 year old lunatic but a 59 year old who is leading a sport which is totally mad and dangerous.


11th Jul 2012, 21:38
I do, however not all make good pilots. Remember some posts on other forums a few years ago by a certain young pilot who was going to build his own aircraft and fly it in the local park!

11th Jul 2012, 22:20
At least we finally know what these kite flying NOTAMs are all about. Tethered ex-microlights pulled into the air by cars...

11th Jul 2012, 22:25
Why would the CAA be interested?
How about the ANO:
Articles; 4, 16/21, 50, 72/73, 137/138 from a quick look.
It could just as easily have ended in serious injury, or even a fatality.

11th Jul 2012, 22:31
Lets hope they track him down for his own safety

ejw96's channel - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/ejw96?feature=plcp)

11th Jul 2012, 22:40
To those talking about the pioneering spirit etc., what would you say if he'd bought a 152 or a tomahawk and done the same thing (tried to fly the aircraft with no training). The only thing that stopped him getting much higher was a clapped out engine.

Lord knows GA gets a bad enough press as it is without d*cks like this.

Here's another one, just with more money.

Stupid man attempts to fly a helicopter with no experience - YouTube

Aero Mad
12th Jul 2012, 00:49
Wow, I do love watching absolute twirps on YouTube.

12th Jul 2012, 07:18
Why would the CAA be interested?

How about the ANO:
Articles; 4, 16/21, 50, 72/73, 137/138 from a quick look.
It could just as easily have ended in serious injury, or even a fatality.

A lawyer could make it difficult for the CAA to bring charges. He would argue that it was not an aircraft, because it was not registered as such and could not fly. How would article 50, for example, apply to this case?

Would the CAA intervene if someone was towed behind a car on rollerskates holding a kite and left the ground for a few seconds? Surely they should concentrate on more important issues instead of trying to slow up evolution by natural selection?

12th Jul 2012, 09:20
Conversely you could argue that having been previously registered as an aircraft, was built as an aircraft and flew as an aircraft, a reasonable person would conclude that it was indeed - an aircraft. Similarly, just because a car has a SORN, it does not cease to be a car.

12th Jul 2012, 13:03
Similarly, just because a car has a SORN, it does not cease to be a car.

Indeed, and there would be no problem having an unqualified lunatic drive it around on private property and eventually crash it into a shed... as long as only the said lunatic was put in danger.

12th Jul 2012, 13:44
So are there any differences from a legal point of view between this and the unintended flight of the Victor at Bruntingthorpe last year? Did the CAA investigate? Were prosecutions brought?


12th Jul 2012, 13:56
God it is so annoying that my iphone app never shows these links! It just says null

Can the mods try an update please i cant be bothere to dig out my laptop its upstairs :p

Agaricus bisporus
12th Jul 2012, 14:07
I get the impression these guys are military pilots or trainees - not very experienced ones and they have Army written all over them but could be wrong. Isn't that a military badge on the sweater of one of them?

Chelsea tractor driving idiots anyway.
And with a very limited vocabulary too. Not very impressive.

12th Jul 2012, 14:30
I am sure you have watched a film called "those magnificent men in their flying machines"!!!
Watched the early part with people hurling themselves off piers into the sea in all manner of potential yet disasterous flying machines?

If you watch the film carefully you will realize that the whole point of the contest was to bring forefront aviators from around the world together in a friendly competition. One of the most important aims was to learn from each other and thus make aviation safer, better and more efficient. And it worked.

Now fast forward some 100 years. We have learned a tremendous lot and made aviation incredibly safe. Millions of people take to the skies each day, with the biggest worry whether the in-flight catering sandwich will be chicken or beef.

Now I'm all for a pioneering spirit but I think the starting point for that pioneering spirit should be the body of knowledge we have *today*, and not the body of knowledge we had *100 years ago* or even *50 years ago*.

If that means that the average joe without a pilots license, let alone an aeronautical engineering degree, botches together a motorized kite, is dismissed as a lunatic, I'm all for it. Although even lunatics should be able to do whatever they fancy as long as they don't endanger anyone else or anyone elses property.

For true pioneering spirit these days, look at the likes of Burt Rutan and Richard Brandson.

12th Jul 2012, 15:08
God it is so annoying that my iphone app never shows these links! It just says null

Pilot.Lyons: You can always just go to pprune.org on Safari on the iPhone instead and then you will see the links. Kind of defeats the purpose of having the forum app but at least it saves you the walk to get the laptop :)

12th Jul 2012, 21:12
Haha highflyer i think i can manage that!

Ill give it a go now :D

I managed to put the effort in..... Crazy rich folks, how i envy them

As for the heli....... Hehe made my chuckle crazy fool!

Echo Romeo
12th Jul 2012, 21:50
I get the impression these guys are military pilots or trainees - not very experienced ones and they have Army written all over them but could be wrong. Isn't that a military badge on the sweater of one of them?

Think you may find they're from the polo fraternity ;)

13th Jul 2012, 08:45
It's pretty clear they had done absolutely no research at all, doing runs back and forth along the field with no allowance given for wind.

Lucky they didn't, or he could well of got airborne properly into a strong headwind under his own power, and caused himself a real injury.

The gene pool could probably use a little chlorine :}

14th Jul 2012, 06:24
I can't decide what's amused me the most; Captain Crash and his polo chums, or the outpouring of outrage from fellow PPRuNe'ers.

Far more serious incidents in far more direct contravention of the rules we fly to are broken with far fewer words posted about them.

Regardless of which regulations this chap was, or wasn't in contravention of, and we can only speculate, I can't see it being in the CAAs interest to bring a prosecution. The "is it in the public interest" question. There have to be thousands of people further up that list that this one.

14th Jul 2012, 09:45
Obi-wan: Fair point. There's perhaps the question of degree of harm they may do to others. And did they continue their experiments and not publish the results on YouTube?? If they continued at an established airfield, their fun would end up being curtailed at some point. What should really worry us indeed is these guys have the ££ to go buy a proper plane, scrape through a PPL and do really stupid stuff....would the "system" spot them, effect their behaviour, change them or would they pass through to become a future AAIB statistic I wonder.....?

14th Jul 2012, 10:03
Bad! Very bad!! But I have seen worse :sad:

Mom crashes ultralight plane on first solo flight - YouTube