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View Full Version : SSEP hours towards NPPL(M)

10th Jul 2012, 20:05
A bit of an odd request here, but:
I have 5.5 hours in a SSEP but, due to costs, have decided to take the route NPPL(M) - NPPL(A) - then possibly PPL, depending on money. However, is it possible to count my 5.5 hours towards my initial NPPL(M), or after that, can I count them towards my NPPL(A)?
Thanks in advance

10th Jul 2012, 20:35
I'm sure you can - phone a local microlight instructor and ask, they will be in a position to tell you - and microlight flying is real fun and clearly doesn't cost as much as your current path. Also consider gliders for a less expensive alternative. It gets you flying.

11th Jul 2012, 09:06
With the leaden hand of €urocracy fast approaching, I recommend that you should first obtain an NPPL(A) with Microlight Class Rating. Then add the SSEA Class Rating. Then, before Apr 2015, convert your NPPL(A) with SSEA Class Rating to a LAPL(A) under the conversion terms of CAP 804. Then you will be able to upgrade a LAPL(A) direct to an EASA PPL(A) when it suits you.

It should be possible to convert a NPPL(A) with Microlight Class Rating directly into a LAPL(A); however, no such conversion terms have yet been publicised in CAP 804.

11th Jul 2012, 10:37
BeaglE - How would I go about getting an (M) rating on an NPPL(A) - would it not be cheaper/easier to do the route I said (I don't know though)
Thanks everyone

11th Jul 2012, 11:13
There is no such thing as a 'NPPL(M)' as such. The NPPL(Aeroplanes) can include one or more of the SSEA, Microlight and SLMG Class Ratings.

In effect you wish to credit your current total SEP time towards the NPPL(A) with Microlight Class Rating.

More information can be found both on the NPPL website and in CAP 804, which becomes effective on 17 Sep 2012,