View Full Version : $100 thousand million

Bye Bye Baby
6th Jul 2012, 13:43
To anyone who can explain the new SO stuff please do

If this isn't the prelude to the 3 man ULH, then I'll give you said amount.

(tried to find the smilie with the up yours but couldn't) so here it is

6th Jul 2012, 16:10
Getting warmer. Wanna guess why the following AIC was just published, with emphasis on paragraphs 6 and 9?


Free bag of mixed nuts to the first one who puts the pieces together.

7th Jul 2012, 00:41
Simple I guess. The new recruits cannot ever gain any real experience, so CX will just artificially give it to them. Akin to the "FED" printing more and more money to increase debt!!

7th Jul 2012, 07:13
Too expensive I guess to have Capt's called off RES to be RQ??
Make more RQ's!!

7th Jul 2012, 09:31
I'll take a wild swing at it... CX management feels the need to accelerate them iCadets getting their ATPL unfrozen so they could take the license elsewhere for a bigger paycheck or a better life?

Somehow I think I only got it half right....

Cafe City
7th Jul 2012, 10:57
Experience by 'osmosis'. :yuk:

Good Business Sense
7th Jul 2012, 11:24
If Air France can take serious flack for inexperienced crew after AF447, when the FOs had several thousand hours, then it would look very bad for CX/CAD if the pilot at the controls at the time of an incident had logged circa 250 hours.

Wailing Wall Checker
8th Jul 2012, 02:27
the pilot at the controls at the time of an incident

Surely you jest, young man!

Our Second Officers are not really at the controls. I prefer they keep the seat far enough back to they can't reach the pedals nor the glareshield, and cover their sidestick with my hat.

Air France employs pilots with real licenses and real experience, and gives them real responsibility for which they are held really accountable.

Our cockpit squires risk nothing but a good bollocking for failing to laugh at my historical anecdotes about the Tristar and the whores of Bangkok.

8th Jul 2012, 07:47
Air France has had a long history of incidents and accidents. Even China Airlines has a record that the French would be proud of. Just because they're European it doesn't mean they have **** hot pilots, training and standards.

9th Jul 2012, 06:18
For the first time ever, I agree with geh065. I have flown with the French back in the military and at CX. I am yet to be impressed...