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View Full Version : Bergerac LFBE

2nd Jul 2012, 08:33
Has anyone wlown into LFBE recently mostly I would like to know about landing/parking fees and how GA friendly it is. Most smaller clubs around seem to be French only.

Thanks in advance


3rd Jul 2012, 11:32
I flew into Bergerac in August 1999 so not recently I'm afraid, but it was then a lovely friendly airport, easy to find, see and land at but watch out for parachuting on the airport as you land!

A bit of French is useful, my schoolboy french just got us by. English was not really spoken anywhere at the airport but don't let this put you off.

It has a nice bar, quite lively as I remember. It is a very short taxi ride to the town of Bergerac, which is a very pretty place on the Dordogne river. Being August the weather was hot, and lots of restaurants were set up to serve outdoors on whatever land they could find - worth walking round the back streets to find local restaurants. We fond a nice hotel for the night in the main square for very cheap money even in August.

The landing fees and parking were in those days very reasonable and paid to the firemen (pompiers) who do all the handling and fueling. Even back then there were small regional airlines flying here from Paris, so there is larger stuff to watch out for but ATC was good, and we had no trouble coping (learning at Biggin may have helped here!)

I hope it has retained the charm that we found then, and is still a cheap and pleasant place to fly into.

ps I just did a quick search, and it looks like there is a new terminal, so maybe the olde worlde charm is not there now and hopefully someone with more recent knowledge will also post

3rd Jul 2012, 12:51
Was there about about a year ago and it was fine.

English on the Radio and there was a flying club that let us in and out.

No issues.

Landing fee desk was closed (was a sunday) and when the bill came IIRC is was 7Euro for a 172/PA28.

Parking on the grass (not sure if there is any at Bergerac) at some of the mid sized regionals is free but even if it costs you its reasonable.