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26th Jun 2012, 20:14
Hi , i have my ppl but have not flown for 11 years but now want to start flying again . Can anyone please advise me what to do .Thanks.......

Gertrude the Wombat
26th Jun 2012, 21:04
Training as necessary, flight test, paperwork and money.

In my case after 13 years I basically went through the entire PPL syllabus again but at two to three times the original speed. (I could remember how to fly but had forgotten all the procedural stuff, what checks you do at what point in the circuit, that sort of stuff.) Other people do it rather faster.

People will tell you there's something to do with renewing the radio licence, but I didn't seem to have to do that, they just sent me a new one.

26th Jun 2012, 22:36
After 14 years of not flying, it took me about 5hrs to get the PPL in the UK. Granted, this was probably a little bit "generous" by the combined FI/Examiner.
When I got to the US to do my FAA license they started right at the bottom of the syllabus and then it took about 20hrs to get up to speed on it all and flying in a new airspace. So somewhere in between probably lies the correct amount - mentally prepare for 10hrs and I think you'll come pretty close.