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26th Jun 2012, 14:06
Hey everyone. Looking into getting Epaulettes. I want the gold/yellow bars but when I look online I have an option of either Gold, or Yellow. Which one should I get? Are the bars usually gold or are they usually yellow? Also, where is a good site that I can get professional looking Epaulettes shipped to Canada. Thanks.

28th Jun 2012, 18:40
Career/Professional | Pilot Supplies from Sporty's Pilot Shop (http://www.sportys.com/PilotShop/category/813/2)

28th Jun 2012, 19:22
Pilot Epaulets, Mariner Epaulets Metallic Gold, Epaulet Gold Black, Epaulets Navy (http://www.crewgear.com/default.asp?WCI=Products&WCE=Apparel~Epaulets)

28th Jun 2012, 19:47
gold may not be as vibrant as yellow

Agaricus bisporus
29th Jun 2012, 18:30
Looking into getting Epaulettes. I want the gold/yellow bars
Which does your employer specify? How is there a choice - don't they provide them?

Unless you're starting a one man one aircraft op then why the question, and if you are doing this, haven't you better things to worry about?

er... puzzled.

29th Jun 2012, 18:32
Try the BA look, Platignum bars. You might get confused for a fireman but that might not be a handicap.

Neptunus Rex
29th Jun 2012, 18:43
As you earn them, your instructor/employer should give them to you.
(Of course, you might get the bill at a later date!)

29th Jun 2012, 19:35
pilot shirt epaulets, pilot uniform epaulets (http://www.acutaboveuniforms.com/46.html)

29th Jun 2012, 19:52
My bus driver yesterday was wearing them. If I see him again next week, I'll ask him where he got them.

At first i thought that he looked like a pillock, but he drove that bus pretty damn good.

Union Jack
29th Jun 2012, 20:18
Try the BA look, Platignum bars. You might get confused for a fireman but that might not be a handicap.

Actually, you might get confused for a fountain pen ...:D

6th Jul 2013, 01:36
Any ideas how to clean epaulettes? Mine got dirty the gold / yellow became almost dark