View Full Version : Airbus and GPUs

21st Jun 2012, 22:14
Anyone out there had problems with Airbuses, especially A330/340, not wanting to take power from GPUs? The same GPUs work fine with everything else!
Thanks for any words of wisdom,

22nd Jun 2012, 07:46
never tried on aA330/340 but on a A319/320 they can be very fussy. If the voltage or freq is slightly off the A/C will reject the supply

23rd Jun 2012, 20:38
What he said

24th Jun 2012, 11:51
not uncommon for an a/c problem on these requiring a reset to accept external power. some of the older 343's i deal with need a power down to reset ! so leave apu running ! recall gpu's had to be modded for 777's . still find some that wont work on them .