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View Full Version : Russian drinking party vanishes in light plane

13th Jun 2012, 15:44
From the BBC ....

BBC News - Russian drinking party vanishes in light plane (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18425433)

13th Jun 2012, 16:50

Had they studied the very (http://www.peter2000.co.uk/aviation/jaa-ir/bull4.gif) important (http://www.peter2000.co.uk/aviation/jaa-ir/hpbull1.gif) and relevant (http://www.peter2000.co.uk/aviation/jaa-ir/hpbull2.gif) JAA IR theory they would have known (from the excellent Human Performance & Limitations exam) that the limit for flying is 20mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood.

13th Jun 2012, 17:21
that the limit for flying is 20mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood.


English is not their Native language so maybe he read it as 20 Glasses!:(

But as yet there is no evidence that although the PAX had consumed a lot of alcohol the Pilot had consumed any?

Very strange that they took off late at night from what was a disused airfield opened especially for them heading to a place 150 miles away which had no runways and the aircraft that was being flown at night had no navigation kit fitted.

Whatever it does not look good and does look like alcohol and partying played a big part in the decisions to fly!

13th Jun 2012, 20:14
If you follow Peter's friendly links, and want to do further research on HPL, you should be aware that googling "rassmussen model" might be border-line "safe-for-work":eek:

It relieved the tedium of my HPL learning experience, though...:)

14th Jun 2012, 07:45
My girlfriend always emails me back saying "business quiet today?" when I send her yet another link found by googling on my name and turning up some gay p0rn star :E

14th Jun 2012, 10:36
Sounds like a helluva party, let's hope they found a safe place to land.

14th Jun 2012, 11:45
Having read that report I would say the most plausible explanation has to be alien abduction. The aliens are most likely trying to discover how a "revelling" Russian can drive to an airfield and then fly a biplane, which they will no doubt endeavour to find out with their tried and trusted anal probe.

14th Jun 2012, 12:47
Between nine and 13 people are said to be on the plane, including the town's chief of traffic police.This took care of the "bribing the local police" part. :E
One question arises: what use is a plane used to spot forest fires which is not fitted with a radio? Do they have to fly back to base and report each time they spot a developing fire? :eek:

15th Jun 2012, 07:46
Two days old now. Any news?

BBC News - Russian drinking party vanishes in light plane (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18425433)

15th Jun 2012, 09:57


PS: BBC already knows everything (about drunken pilots etc.) :\

Shannon volmet
15th Jun 2012, 10:27
Very, very sad news.
Alcohol & flying, never a good idea.:=

15th Jun 2012, 10:57

There is no positive confiramtion about "drunken party". None the better, truly, is version that having three free days somebody (not neccesary pilots) organised "fun tours" for locals. There is rumors in local forums that one of missed onboard "calls friends to came to aerodrome", and some came and other refused.

SMS from missed plane// KP.RU (http://ural.kp.ru/daily/25899.4/2857411)
KP.RU (http://kp.ru/daily/25898.2/2856419)
E1.ru (http://www.e1.ru/talk/forum/go_to_message.php?f=9&t=5320133&i=5323979)

15th Jun 2012, 12:37
Why? It's not a private plane. :confused:
It belongs to Avia Zov Ltd - crop dusters.

16th Jun 2012, 20:01
Google translates..

С телефонов пассажиров пропавшего АН-2 родным стали приходить SMS // KP.RU (http://ural.kp.ru/daily/25899.4/2857411)

Gregory took the mobile and left. He promised to return quickly, but ... All these days I have tried in vain to reach him, but he was unavailable - said Vyacheslav Korchenko friend Gregory Shaath. - And then Thursday morning I got smska that the subscriber is within range of the network! I began to call: the phone is on, sirens go but up Grisha has not picked up. So I think, to calculate their location by a mobile phone!

So cell phone company might be able to narrow down the search area to a base station or two?

5th May 2013, 18:33
This plane has just been found...........only 8 kms from the airport. Jeez, they didn't try very hard did they ?

BBC News - Missing Russian plane wreckage found one year on (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22420221)

Pilot DAR
6th May 2013, 01:30
Well, in defense of the searchers, it probably went in at a fairly steep angle, and did not make too much of a mark on earth - hard to see from the air.