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View Full Version : Huge bright light over Pakistan

8th Jun 2012, 10:53
Hi all,
Has anyone else seen the Huge bright light followed by the massive explosion and huge cloud over pakistan last night(7 Jun 2012)?!!!

The light was between positions Shano and Zemko over pakistan and was so bright I thought there was an aircraft coming towards us. It lasted for a while and then an explosion with a big round sphere that kept expanding bigger and bigger. There was also a cloud formed from the explosion. It was a horizontal cylindrical shaped with a hole in the middle of it. It was travelling at a very high speed towards us from a distant. Almost like nuclear bomb but sideways in the sky( I hope it wasn't). The radiation emmitted from such a thing would have huge effect on us.:sad:
If any one witnessed this please share your thoughts.

Sir George Cayley
8th Jun 2012, 17:08
Can't see Pakistan from here but have you considered either space debris or meteorite entering the atmosphere?

If it was such a big event is there nothing on the news wires?

But thanks for the info - I'll dig out my tinfoil hat.:ok:

8th Jun 2012, 17:18

8th Jun 2012, 19:18
Thanks tableview for the link

Sir George Cayley
8th Jun 2012, 20:09
OK things have just taken a turn for the spooky.:eek:

Looking at the You Tube clip there are at least 3 more showing the same phenomena across three continents.

The Norwegian one is particularly similar with the catherine wheel and blue spiral cord

Ruskies say they are failed rocket launches - yeah.

I'm planning to replace the tinfoil hat with one made from lead:ok:

Max Angle
9th Jun 2012, 15:50
More info here.

Russian ballistic missile out of test site in the south of the country.

Spiral Seen Over the Middle East Likely Russian Missile (http://www.universetoday.com/95755/spiral-seen-over-the-middle-east-likely-russian-missile/)

9th Jun 2012, 15:53
Let me know were I can find 1 too sir george