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31st Mar 2002, 09:39
Well at last here it is and very cool too.

Thanks Danny and crew will toast your health and wealth at the OZ PPRuNe Bash next week.

31st Mar 2002, 10:11
Seems much faster than previously... however, the system does not let me log on properly or rather it allows me to log on but my name as seen on screen is my log in name rather than my chosen moniker!!

31st Mar 2002, 10:25
Looks good... well done.


I use Netscape/W2K and the posts run to about 3 screens wide. Looks ok with IE tho'..

keep up the good work....


Capt PPRuNe
31st Mar 2002, 10:27
Many thanks. It has been a marathon session to get everything transferred. Has taken almost 12 hours of continuous work and it is still not finished but is useable.

There are many new features with this software and I ask everyone to take a few minutes to read the Frequently Asked Questions to get some insight into how it all works. I will not be able to provide help by email so please don't write to me with questions at this stage.

If you use a signature in your profile then you may have to edit it as there was a small bug in the transfer script which didn't translate line breaks properly. Also, if you vae made a post it is most likely that the line breaks in it didn't translate properly but if you feel like it you can edit your own posts if you want.

For the time being anyone with Personal Titles will have to wait a few weeks until I finish some work before I can transfer them to thsi software but they will get here eventually.

Also, anyone who wants to access a private forum will have to wait a while as the moderators will have to be trained on how to set permissions to individuals. There will no longer be simple password access to private forums and users will have to be approved individually by the forum moderators. Please be patient as I am about to embark on a conversion course and once the pressures of that are over I will get around to putting the finishing touches to these forums.

Thanks for your patience

31st Mar 2002, 10:37
Dany, well done.... just looking at your post for example, it seems that in Netscape each paragraph is a single line. Your last para is therefore about 4 screens wide - you must scroll sideways to read it. No doubt it is one of the glitches you mentioned.


31st Mar 2002, 10:46
I do appreciate all the work that has gone into this, and that you have other commitments - perhaps someone else can help.
I am registered as a normal non - paying member. However the name that I used to appear under has disappeared to be replaced by my sign in name as used in logging on. All my previous posts now appear as above.
Can this be fixed?

31st Mar 2002, 10:54
It look to be working ok :)

PPRuNe Towers
31st Mar 2002, 11:10
Haven't isolated the Netscape problem yet. Pages are rendering OK in Explorer, Opera and Omniweb.

bagpuss lives
31st Mar 2002, 11:21
Looks fantastic - thanks you very very much Danny and Co :)

One thing I've noticed - my number of posts had dramatically reduced - I was on well in excess of 400 pre-changeover. Just wondered if there was reason or whatever?

Cheers once again :)

31st Mar 2002, 11:21
Same problem as siwalker66 - very annoying, any fix?

31st Mar 2002, 11:21
Looks pretty cool so far. Well done Danny and Co! And glad ya didn't get too upset at my e-mail earlier today!:D

31st Mar 2002, 11:28
:) Looks quite OK in Netscape 6.2.2.

31st Mar 2002, 11:30
Same problem as NiteFlight:

My count is off a bit. Seem to be missing about 500 posts.

(Perhaps edited out for foul language?:D )

31st Mar 2002, 11:41
On another BB I use we recently had a software upgrade and the admin took the opportunity to clean up and dispose of disused threads; so we all dropped between 50 and 100 posts (at least those of us who had that many). That may be why. Perhaps some of the older topics have been transferred to the archive.

PS: first post!

31st Mar 2002, 11:47
Agreed - this looks really good. Thanks Danny and the team, no probs using IE5 and NTL Broadband. In fact page reload appears to be about 1 second!

31st Mar 2002, 11:47
Can someone please explain what all the . . in all the posts mean? Thanks Regards SOPS

31st Mar 2002, 11:51
Have just returned to Blighty after a wretchedly-awful itinerary to KIAD and back - to discover that PPRuNe has just had a software (and hardware) evolution. Thanks, Danny- this is excellent and your contribution to the exchange of information between aviation professionals is really outstanding!

It seems that these <br / things are the results of format incompatability or somesuch. Probably a temporary thing - but somewhat irksome. And by the way, what on Earth is 'vB Code'?

PS - Can you ditch the 'total posts' thing? It seems to be completely inaccurate and in any case isn't particularly relevant.

31st Mar 2002, 12:29
Yeah it's taken me a while to realise that my total post count is waaaay off the mark. Not that I really care, but I thought this info had been consigned to the user's profile?

31st Mar 2002, 12:47
I'm sure 'Insert text with PHP syntax highlighting' or 'Enhanced mode: allows complex nesting of tags' means something to some people - is there an idiots' guide to this nerd-speak somewhere?


If this comes out strangely, it's [FONT=times new roman] because I'm having a play!!


31st Mar 2002, 12:51
All this new stuff has me very confused:confused:

31st Mar 2002, 13:05
As bemoaned above, my old posts under Chickenhawk66 are now under an old log in name for some reason. So I have re-registered Ch66.****!
So I feel entiled
to play with
the various new buttons :mad:

31st Mar 2002, 13:22
<br/[H]Confused = Bull****>br[silly gimmicks] br.br[z]£$€.......

You'll probably find that you'll need to modify your profile options if you want to avoid getting e-mails every time someone responds to your posts......

I've had enough of this for the moment. Off to watch 'Goldfinger' on ITV1!!

31st Mar 2002, 13:24
Chickenhawk (or anyone else more in the know than myself) - how did you unregister in order to re-register? Or did you use a different email address?

31st Mar 2002, 13:53
I used a different email address. It might have been an idea to wait until the Pprune administrators sorted it out but I reckon they have enough to do...
Another thing... I see that when they changed my old posts to siwalker66, they also promoted me from "just another number" to "still just another number" !!! Is this the reason, do they want me to put the hand in the wallet?

31st Mar 2002, 13:54
Looks really good Danny. I like all the extra gizmos.

Very well done.


31st Mar 2002, 14:27
Well done Mad Bull & Co! New features great fun. http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/kiss.gif
Best wishes for your conversion course Danny.
Are they going to try and weed out the "Danny Fyne Style of Diplomacy" too? ;)

31st Mar 2002, 14:31
Nice one:D

31st Mar 2002, 14:48
Looks good though we may need some training

31st Mar 2002, 15:18

Captain Airclues
31st Mar 2002, 15:30
Love the new format Danny, and it's much faster. Many thanks to you and the team for all your hard work


31st Mar 2002, 15:31
Oh my!!! This all looks very swish, doesn't it??! :cool:
Well done "The Team!!!"

When are we all gonna' get trained.......?!!! :D

31st Mar 2002, 15:38
1 2 3 test the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs back:confused:

Good lord that was fast. Good job Danny.

31st Mar 2002, 15:44
I like the look of the new site but I am frustrated in that my Brockenspectre name seems to have vanished in the ether .. do I need to go and re-register? If I do then my "history" will disappear as it is currently logged under "jsbc" .... is this one of the glitches that will be ironed out? or do I just need to forget what went before and re-register.

Help/advice please!!:D

Stan Sted
31st Mar 2002, 15:52
Great stuff

It is running as smooth as silk here at the Tower but I seem to have two index columns on the left side of the screen and they are showing different adverts. And no, I haven't touched a drop all day!

Well done Danny and team


Stan Sted
31st Mar 2002, 16:01
Errr umm

just double clicked on the secondary index and it vanished,

It certainly is operating quickly...vast improvement



PPRuNe Pop
31st Mar 2002, 16:23
Excellent! Nothing more to add really!:)

31st Mar 2002, 16:45
Well, it all looks very impressive - but I hope that people don't start using too many different fonts and colours.

I liked the "look and feel" of the old message format. Too many fonts on screen may be distracting and make things less readable.

Or to put it another way...

Too many fonts and colours on screen may be distracting!

:D :D

31st Mar 2002, 17:45
Just a teensy suggestion M'sieu.
The forum index page now requires a right scroll to see it all. Could the column order be changed so that the Last Post timestamp appears more to the left ? After Topic Starter or Replies maybe. The 'new posts' icon doesn't seem to be working, so I have to scroll to see if their are new posts since I was last here.

31st Mar 2002, 18:04
Is the much vaunted Poll feature still to come, or is it actually the rating feature that enable you to rate an entire post?
I was hoping the Poll was going to enable votes on specific issues.

heavy checker
31st Mar 2002, 18:08
Seems quicker and so far more reliable that before.

Well done everyone involved and keep up the good work

Capt PPRuNe
31st Mar 2002, 18:19
Please bear with me on this. There is no big room full of programmers hacking away, just me. I have moved to this software as the previous software was only designed to handle boards up to 20,000 users and we had more than doubled that already.

This new software operates in a completely different way and is database based which means that it should be able to handle almost unlimited threads and posts. The main limiting factor now is the server. I expect that if we get more than 300 people browsing the forums simultaneously then we will see some degradation in performance but the server upgrade is expected to take place in the next week or so which should hopefully double our capacity for the time being.

As for everyone asking all the questions... have you bothered to click on the faq (http://www.pprune.org/forums/misc.php?s=&action=faq) (Frequently Asked Questions) link? It is not rocket science and unfortunately I cannot answer all the questions for everyone personally. So, if you have emailed with a question you may not receive ananswer, especially if it is in the faq's.

There will be no access to private forums for a while until I manage to figure out the best way to allow it. It is being worked on. Although this may appear similar to the old forums don't forget that it is completely different underneath all the cosmetic bits and so there have to be some compromises but hopefully all the added features such as being able to see threads in any order you prefer will compensate for this.

Please be patient while I get this tweaked. I have the added complexity of trying to study for a B737 conversion course at the same time and guess which has priority?

31st Mar 2002, 18:20
Like the new look. For your info I had to reregister as user name and /or password weren't recognised. Or I had forgotten them though I don't think so.
Not bothered but thought you ought to know.

31st Mar 2002, 18:40
Just testing:


Is there any way my old posts (originally under the name Chickenhawk66, now all changed to siwalker66) can be merged with the newly re-registered Chickenhawk?
I know its not a big deal and that you are very busy. The new board looks good and is a great improvement in general; thanks for all the hard work and good luck with the course

31st Mar 2002, 18:43

Smilies still work obviously!!

See this site for many more such GIFs: (http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/)

The Greaser
31st Mar 2002, 18:48
I also just had to create a new username in order to be able to use my old pseudonym. Slightly bemused that there does not seem to be anyway obvious to change an existing username as Danny suggested there maybe. Good job I haven't made too many posts that really would have pissed people off as they now appear under my real name - so much for an anonymous message board hey.

:eek: :eek:

Love these smilies though!!!

31st Mar 2002, 18:52
Hey, the Top 10 Posters (http://www.pprune.org/forums/memberlist.php?s=&what=topposters&perpage=10) function is pretty neat.

I understand that the totals may not be entirely accurate but nevertheless the top 20 makes rather interesting reading...
Capt PPRuNe..5386
tony draper..2690
The Guvnor...1903
Tricky Woo...1100
Send Clowns...757
Kermit 180....684
Kaptin M......678
PPRuNe Towers.670

31st Mar 2002, 18:59
Unfortunately the 'posts' recorder is rather meaningless. Whilst I personally don't see the need for it, if we must have it, could it at least be accurate?

31st Mar 2002, 18:59
Thought Morris Suter would have been in the top 20. Or maybe he is.....


Ok, I've got the gifs out of my system now, honest


The Greaser
31st Mar 2002, 19:01
Plus many people like myself are gonna lose all previous posts by having to re-register to retain their original screen names which have miraculously vapourised.

31st Mar 2002, 19:10
....and another thing! I've 'unchecked' the 'send an e-mail when someone responds to the topic you posted' box, but the 'PPRuNe Forums Mailer' keeps sending e-mails telling me that someone has responded! HOW DO I KILL IT????????????

31st Mar 2002, 19:16
Captain PPRuNe, is that a B737 conversion course to LHS?

Assuming so, four stripes suit you.

BTW, this is working well in IE but very wide in Netscape.

Capt PPRuNe
31st Mar 2002, 19:17
The total number of posts is so low on my list of priorities that I think you should forget about it. It is not relevant and proves nothing. 2,000 posts with nothing but inane drivel are not worth one post which is interesting and informative. Please stop going on about the number of posts.

If I can twek the system to ignore or not show the number of posts then I will but as I said, very low on the list of priorities. You have a working forum so please make use of it.

Capt PPRuNe
31st Mar 2002, 19:35
Default for email notification is now 'off'.

Capt PPRuNe
31st Mar 2002, 20:00
All Personal Titles will be reinstated but there may be a bit of a delay. They have to be done manually. If you have changed your username then you may have to remind me when I install them.

31st Mar 2002, 20:10
Thanks Danny:

Great new software.
Seems to be quite a bit faster than the old one.

Uh, can we now re-instate sex, politics and religion on JetBlast?

Ya fly to Florida these days?
I will buy ya a beer in FLL....:cool:

Sloppy Link
31st Mar 2002, 20:11
When reading old forums, it speaks in computer speak instead of word speak ie, when I select space bar, a space appears but when it is read on a forum it reads brk brk and some funny pointed brackets. Smileys et al are also in computer speak. Any clues on how to fix it?

Sloppy Link
31st Mar 2002, 20:16
Horror of Horrors! I have now discovered that my E-Mail is available when I before had kept it discreet. Can this be restored?

The Greaser
31st Mar 2002, 20:19
Sloppylink, just go to user cp, edit options and turn off the relevant email thing. I think it is that easy, I'm no expert though.

31st Mar 2002, 20:29
I looked at the top 20 posters and I suddenly realised that Guvnor has become very silent.
Is he still registered?


31st Mar 2002, 20:46

A big vote of THANKS to you Danny.

Those pre-upgrade meetings over a pint or three (six who is counting) seems to have destroyed the correct number of brain cells to follow the minimum required number of instructions to enable a piece a of software that otherwise would not be installed to be installed in a fashion that seems to operationally far better than the former.

Looks great feels great, hang on thats the woman, looks great runs real fast !

I agree the number of posts is irrelevant, unless people were obliged to buy you a pint per post ;)

Happy Easter and Thanks


31st Mar 2002, 21:59
It may be worth pointing out that everybodys e-mail address is now 'visible' with this new software. Mine was 'invisible' with the previous software but I have had to edit my profile in order to make it 'invisible' again.


Capn Laptop
31st Mar 2002, 22:07

good luck with the conversion.

The 737 isn't a bad machine to pole around in... not a 757 but you get that!!

Why the change in equipment?

Cheers from Dunnunda

31st Mar 2002, 22:11
Wow, just woke up to a whole new world - looks brilliant! Thank you Danny & crew.

31st Mar 2002, 22:12
Have to admit...looks spiffy...and works great.:D

Delta Wun-Wun
31st Mar 2002, 22:15
Danny This is great
What a way to spend your Easter Holiday :)
Why can`t I get coloured words and large type together? Am I doing something wrong? A java script box keeps appearing. :(

Ranger One
31st Mar 2002, 22:34
Seriously nice work Danny... one thing (there's always one thing, except when there are five hundred things...)

How come I can post (honest, look, I'm doing it now!) but can't chat - when I login to chat, I get:

Sorry, you have attempted to chat with an email address that has been banned from posting or chatting. We are not currently disallowing the following email address:


It's not a 'new software' thing - it's been like this for weeks. And I certainly could chat in the past... I was 'reporting live from NYC' in the chatroom as 9/11 was happening.


31st Mar 2002, 22:40
Any thread you posted to before you (or Danny) reset the email option will continue to send you notifications. Do not despair. Go to the User Control Panel (the user cp link up there ^) and you'll see you've been 'subscribed' to that thread. Just unsubscribe and they'll stop.

If you subscribe to your favourite forums, on that same (user cp) page you'll get a summary or subset containing just those. Saves a bit of scrolling past the privates or other things which don't interest you. Set the page as your bookmark and you'll get to where you want to be a bit quicker.

Islander Jock
1st Apr 2002, 00:02
WOW! according to my profile, I registered in Jan 1970. :eek:

Oh well, I guess we'll all have to just kick back and wait until Danny gets rid of all the little bugs in the system.

Apart from that - LOOKS GREAT! :D

1st Apr 2002, 00:38
well worth the effort. cheers Danny

1st Apr 2002, 00:57
Yes, must admit, it looks great!
Hmmm . . . the 737! Good luck with the conversion course Danny . . . one thing though . . . I thought Mr Fyne worked for Air 2000. Air 2000 doesn't operate B737s. Conclusion=Mr Fyne is looking for pastures new. (Just a conjecture. Anywhere near?)

Thanks to all at PPRuNe admin for making this enormous task possible! :cool:


DX Wombat
1st Apr 2002, 05:38
The best bit of work by ANY despot. I'll learn how to work it all eventually. Thanks and good luck with the studying. :D :D :D

Tosh McCaber
1st Apr 2002, 07:13
Danny, without wishing to sound like the proverbial gramophone record, I'm really impressed that you have carried out this major task single handed. Mind boggling!

1st Apr 2002, 08:13
Yes indeed - thanks again for the upgrade.

Paper Tiger - thanks for telling me how to stop the 'notification e-mails'; quite why just turning off the 'send notification' doesn't do just that, I don't understand. I have now 'unsubscribed from topic' and hope that it'll work!

Is this new system 'vBulletin' - the same type of bulletin board software to that used by 'Digital Spy'? (That should get Echelon's alarm bells ringing......)

1st Apr 2002, 11:38
As Sloppy said, all the vB coded part of the old messages (eg. links etc.) appear as plain text to me too: It seems that the [ and ] characters that are used in the code have been turned into < and > now, and therefore do not work. All these messages look like a big mess now...

1st Apr 2002, 12:11
You don't 'know' all that 737 stuff yet????:rolleyes:

Just kidding.

From all of us on the Southwest forum, thanks for the valuable service you provide. We can wait 'til you sort it all out. Turn off your computer and go have a beer -NOW!


(C'mon man. We know there is a vast room of scantily clad techno-babes busily working away on these 'tech bits' while you oversee things from your command podium, pint in hand. God, somebody has to do it.) :D

1st Apr 2002, 14:36
Capt PPRUNE and Others,

First, I want to thank you and the other moderators for your tireless work to improve this most EXCELLENT aviation forum. I love it. I am addicted to it. Your work has been tremendous.

However, as a loyal PPRUNER, I must say I am somewhat disappointed with the new "set up." Is it just me, or do others find the scrolling horizontally for all of the posts to be a bit headache-inducing? Some of the posts are not lined up properly - it will start 6 inches to the right of the previous post - so you need to scroll to the right or left to actually read the text.

I found the old format preferrable because you could just read the entire posting in a confined area - in paragraph form. Much easier to read - and fewer headaches from scrolling back and forth...

I love PPRUNE and I appreciate your HARD WORK and dedication to improving things. This message was not ment to upset anyone. Just wanted to add my two-cents worth...


1st Apr 2002, 17:19
I usually right-click the thread I want to open, and select "Open in New Window." This eliminates the pane on the left side giving more room for text. Works like a champ in IE4! :)

1st Apr 2002, 17:22
Supercalifragelisticexpeallydoshious (sp?)

........except............can we PLEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEE lose the ridiculous rating system.

(sorry if this has been asked before)

1st Apr 2002, 17:23
Test test test.
If it works, thank you very much for your nice work, dispatcher. :D
Yes Mik, looks nice.

1st Apr 2002, 18:10
GAWD, big, big thread,

it's like a chat room trying to keep up!
good look and feel, sorry about the pre-emptive strike on email:D

Gibbo (wonder if this is on???)

1st Apr 2002, 18:35
Capt Pprune,
Nice piece of work with the new software. Much much nicer and I appreciate your efforts to keeping the server optimized.


Capt PPRuNe
1st Apr 2002, 18:50
Once again, at the risk of repeating myself and others, if you have a problem with the layout and you have to keep scrolling left to right then you are more than likely using Netscape as your browser. In tests of five other browsers there is no problem so until I can isolate the problem all I can suggest is that you use a different browser. They are all available for free from many different loactions.

1st Apr 2002, 19:14
I'm impressed.

Well done Danny and Co.

1st Apr 2002, 21:34
Just worked the pants off this over the past hour with no problems.. in fact totally faultless. Well done all (Mik.. if you are reading this, sorry about last week, will mail you shortly).

1st Apr 2002, 22:23
Just a quick suggestion here:

If you removed the 'Number of Views' and 'This topic's rating' columns on the forum screen, it would make the subject area wider, which would make things easier to read, and would also make more threads visible on the first page due to less line-spillage for the topic.

See what I mean?

Looks great really . . . I'm used to it already!


1st Apr 2002, 22:44
Good, good, good.
A great improvement

2nd Apr 2002, 03:34
Great improvement. Works fine with Internet Explorer 6

I was curious to see what Netscape made of it so downloaded and installed Netscape 6.2.2 and it also works perfectly.

People running old versions of Netscape should know it used to be a very unforgiving, strict browser. This caused a lot of people to throw it out as half the web is 'broken' in some minor or major way.

Seems to me version 6.2.2 is a big improvement, much more fault tolerant. It's a 17 Meg download from http://home.netscape.com/download/


2nd Apr 2002, 06:34
Unfortunatly(?), those of us in the UNIX world do not have access to MSIE, or the bulk of other browsers (the only real alternative is Opera (which comes with built-in flashing ads)).
Is there any known work-around for this problem with page width?

2nd Apr 2002, 07:55
Speed is much better, but the screen width is annoying in Netscape.

For the technician: every message starts with <TD allkindsoffstuff nowrap>.
My guess would be that it would work fine if the nowrap part is removed. Hope it helps.


2nd Apr 2002, 09:21
P u b l i c

A n n o u n c e m e n t

I wish to make it known that the total posts of 266 attributed to me is entirely incorrect. I have in fact wasted half my recent life on this channel and in doing so have posted well over 500 pieces of inane drivel .

Thank you.


2nd Apr 2002, 11:05
My count is only slightly out - by about 2,000!

2nd Apr 2002, 12:28
May I refer to Sir Danny in all my confidence:

"The total number of posts is so low on my list of priorities that I think you should forget about it. It is not relevant and proves nothing. 2,000 posts with nothing but inane drivel are not worth one post which is interesting and informative. Please stop going on about the number of posts"

:D :D :D

Standard Noise
2nd Apr 2002, 16:02
Had a problem with my real name being displayed initially, but a quick email to the nice moderator chaps soon sorted out that problem - Thanks Mik.
It's like being in a nice new house, lovely and shiny and everything easy to play with. Bravo Danny & co!!!:) :)

pants on fire...
4th Apr 2002, 03:15
This upgrade is really superb.

The format is an excellent improvement.

It is fast. Full of useful features. User friendly. Simple to use (even for me).

Plus you did this with all the other stuff you have going on.

With any change, there will always be some resistance, but I would suggest that anyone who does not like this format try to recall the old format 60 days from now!

Great work - thanks for the time and effort you put in to this site.

I'm so impressed that I have ordered my Bank to quadruple my subscription! :D

Flip Flop Flyer
4th Apr 2002, 12:25
Great stuff Danny

For some, accessing this board is not always from the same PC; could be home, internet cafe, airport lounge, work or somewhere else. Only at home do you have the option of choosing your browser. I Am therefore looking forward to the Netscape fix which should cure the right/left scroll headache I am developing :p

5th Apr 2002, 05:57
One little question- can more topics than 25 be shown on athe opening page? It would cut down on scrolling, if it's possile to do.

9th Apr 2002, 09:54
Golly, I will be chuffed when I reach 500 posts. Look everybody at how many times I got into print! Aren't I the clever one eh?

12th Apr 2002, 14:54
Freeware is great - Shareware really has to be worth it and then some

From where I'm looking - I think there should be an account we can chip into just to help young Danny - coz this is great and there is no way Danny should pay for ALL of our fun

A lot of our postings may be drivle and codswallop but if we didn't enjoy being here - probably none of us would be.

Great job Captain

Thanks a 1'000'000

Danny tell us where that "hat" is - some of the beer money I save in front of this thing should be paying for server upgrades if nothing else.

Come on lads - all of those who are still employed - rally round.

If it ain't broke - don't fix it

13th Apr 2002, 16:54
Some nice touches over what was already an excellent system, like being able to see whose on line at the same time.
Also checking to see my login name appears on this post instead of my publicly displayed name as they were different. Looks like others have had the same problem if I read previous posts correctly. :D

14th Apr 2002, 05:55
So how's the 737 flying coming along now Danny ? :)

Aussie Andy
14th Apr 2002, 18:15
Good job, well done - much appreciated!

15th Apr 2002, 11:38
I wonder how then I was just booted out because of a "busy server"??

:( There are 138 members and 91 guests on the boards. | Most users ever was 449 on 8th April 2002 at 11:44.

16th Apr 2002, 00:21
HAve to say I am surprised by these "Too Busy - Please Try Later" messages as well - I am getting now a LOT more than before the upgrade, one of the reasons for which was (I believed) to increase capacity to avoid them.

Sick Squid
16th Apr 2002, 07:54
As I understand it the upgrade is in 2 parts... 1st part, the software you see before plus most importantly a database to drive it all is done. 2nd part is perhaps the most important, and is removal of the entire forum to a dedicated server in the UK. That is due to happen very soon

That's my understanding... blame Dispatcher if it's wrong, it wos him wot told me on Saturday over a beer! And he is owed several beers by all the PPRuNers for the amount of time and work he's put in recently... quite staggering.


PPRuNe Dispatcher
16th Apr 2002, 16:18
£6 - close but no cigar. ;) I will accept the drinks though!

The new server is also in the U.S. as we couldn't find anyone in Europe who could supply us with 250Gb of bandwidth each month at a rate we could afford.

The changeover will almost certainly take place sometime before the end of April. There will be a period when PPRuNe is not available, we'll obviously try and make this as short as possible. I'm going to be preping the new server over the next few days...


16th Apr 2002, 16:32
"......A computer glitch this morning led to travel hell for thousands of aviators as the key PPRune server centre briefly failed. Bull**** handling was interrupted for several hours and frenzied men smelling faintly of beer and Avtur howled brutally at cybercafe and airline IT staff from LHR to WON after they were denied their fix of bitchology, unfounded rumours, nothing-on-the-clock stories and libel. A spokesman said "We regret the inconvienence, but the maintenance work was absolutely necessary. When something like this happens, we have to reduce the banter flowrate by about 50% to maintain safety regulations." A member we asked said, "Yeah, it's too bad, but they're good people. You can't imagine how much pressure they are under." "

18th Apr 2002, 02:22
Somewhere above, rehkram made the comment that he had tried Netscape 6.2.2 and found it better than Netscape 4.7. He also said that older versions of Netscape were a "not very forgiving, strict browser". I have tried 6.2 and found it clunkier than 4.7.
I took Danny's advice and downloaded the ad-enhanced(!) version of Opera to dedicate to Pprune. Unfortunately, although it has some great features, eg the full screen switching, it really is "very unforgiving" about what I take to be WWW interupts, and also, any secure sites that I try to reach reject my approach instantly.
Can anyone advise me about configurative adjustments to avoid the extremely frequent:
"Connection closed by remote server" alarms and messages? These occur even when addressing sites in the same city.

18th Apr 2002, 09:47
Sorry everyone. I wondered why moving to a database server package would make things faster. Flexible maybe- fast? no way.

Well I don't know about you but I'm getting server busy just as often as before.

PPRuNe Dispatcher
18th Apr 2002, 13:06
It *was* faster for a few days.

We had to move some software which ran on another machine onto the server machine which slowed things down again :(

However if we were still using the old bulletin board software then things at this stage would be really slow.

The next stage is to move everything over to a new, much more powerful machine. I've spent rather a lot of hours preping the new system and still have a lot to do before we can make the move. Be patient!!!!


19th Apr 2002, 12:28
Okay Mik... I'm waiting just as slow as I can... :D

19th Apr 2002, 15:44
:) Danny

Great job and much appreciated improvements from those of us at Southwest Airlines!