View Full Version : Things to be considered before jumping into Instructor Rating

27th May 2012, 12:05
Hello fellow aviators,

The title of the thread might have misled you but I have opened this thread seeking help.

Assuming everyone knows about the current aviation situation in India, I will jump into the topic straight away.

The reason I am choosing the Instructor Rating path is that GA gives immeasurable experience apart from logging hours and pay. So I do not think many would discourage me from opting this route.

I am looking for answers for a few questions before I could push the button.

A little about me:

CPL + MECIR (Australian and Indian)
Masters In Software Engg (Beg you not to ask me why the hell then I jumped into aviation - I do not have an answer)

Now to the questions.

1. I find US to be cheaper. But Visa might be an issue I believe. I read somewhere that I wont get a working visa as I have a CPL from some other country. Any enlightening on the subject would be appreciated.

I can always go back to my old Australian School. But it is costly in Australia and my school is to too slow and I am afraid I might not be able to log in hours as I would like. So that brings up the next question.

2. Leaving out US, which destination would be ideal for the Instructor Rating and working at completion?

Additional information request.

Names of schools, number of hours can be logged in a month, salary package and any information of work related visa issues will be appreciated.

Wish you all make it. And see you up in the air.

29th May 2012, 04:44
2. Leaving out US, which destination would be ideal for the Instructor Rating and working at completion?

Do your instructor rating at the school where you hope to work. Make a good impression during the course and you increase your chances of getting hired, vs just walking into schools and applying for a job with no experience and not knowing anybody. It worked for me and I got hired at the school where I did my rating. You also need to do your rating in the country where you hope to work, because that is where it will be valid.