View Full Version : EASA pilot licence start date postponed

22nd May 2012, 10:13
Till 17 Sep 2012
Details here (http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=14&pagetype=65&appid=7&mode=detail&nid=2129)

22nd May 2012, 10:27
On the original date I was almost certain to get a non-expiring EASA licence (I'm a student PPL). Now I'm likely to get an expiring JAR one, costing me a bit more in the long run as it will need converted at some stage. However its really just a paper chasing exercise.
Who else will this actually effect, since other than the fact that the JAR licences expire, they are essentially FCL licences anyway? I think we've now worked out that the date was immaterial to the IMC rating. Does that mean that the LAPL is also being delayed?

22nd May 2012, 12:23
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced that the introduction of new EASA pilots’ licences in the UK has been delayed until 17 September 2012.

"Does that mean that the LAPL is also being delayed?"


22nd May 2012, 15:34
The CAA said that due to the complexity of the transition to the new licence format, and changes to the associated requirements and infrastructure, the original 1 July 2012 date was not achievable.

From this statement do we take, that despite assurances of being prepared, they were not.

Are they playing lets wait and see for some other events to transpire.

The Eurozone falling to bits before our eyes, is perhaps taking its toll on legislation implementation.

They also have not one clue about the process, therefore delaying?

Was it not PACE on a previous thread that suggested do nothing on any FCL until after June, when all would be revealed?

22nd May 2012, 15:57
There is a conference with the yanks in June which alot is riding on.

Its more likely that all the old hands have booked thier holidays for that period knowing full well its going to be a royal pain.

Sept when the schools are all back and everyone has already used all there holiday time apart from xmas leave will mean less folk can dodge the circus.

22nd May 2012, 16:10
And circus is undoubtably what it is going to be

22nd May 2012, 17:11
Does it also mean that those of us with "R" rating, can continue to sign up JAA PPL's up to Sept?

22nd May 2012, 20:03
Maybe this is good news for the FAA flyers in Europe (as I am)?

22nd May 2012, 20:28
So does this put the IMC date back?

22nd May 2012, 21:07
Looking at the CAA I note they are still congratulating themselves as being early adopters, but were still not ready on their self-imposed deadline.

This reminds me of Part M - the CAA rush in where everyone else waits. When will they ever learn to sit and wait to see what happens before rushing to show how obedient they are??

22nd May 2012, 21:15
So does this put the IMC date back?

An IMC rating issued from 17 Sep 2012 to a JAR-FCL PPL(A) holder will actually be issued as an Instrument Rating (Restricted) included in a part-FCL PPL(A).

IMC ratings will continue to be issued to existing UK non-JAR-FCL / non-EASA part-FCL PPL holders, should they so wish.

There will be no differences in privileges or restrictions between the IMC rating and the IR(R) - it's just a different name for legal reasons.

23rd May 2012, 10:37
Was it not PACE on a previous thread that suggested do nothing on any FCL until after June, when all would be revealed?

Just to make it clear ! I know someone well in the EASA negotiating team on the FCL Bi Lateral ! I asked the question as a reasonably high houred FAA ATP and Corporate Jet captain on whether he would advise me to start slogging for the JAA ATP exams.
His response was to tell me to do NOTHING! He seemed very hopeful over the June meetings.
You have to make your own judgement! I am equally sure that if anything does come out of the meeting it will not be a here is my licence give me yours.
I am also sure that anything done will not be anything which can be used to sidestep the EASA training structure.
For higher houred ATPs that would not be the case !
A number of crucial MEPS who were opposed to the dual licence were persuaded to vote the EASA ship through.
Deals were done to get those MEPs to do so!
Draw your own conclusion whatever that is as we are all guessing !


23rd May 2012, 10:56
Since the 15hr IR conversion route seems to be carrying on (if only because nobody seems to know what to replace it with) and since the UK has gone for the 2year derogation, and since most of the other EU countries have gone for some sort of derogation, and since this whole EASA FCL thing has been a total cockup (with not even any national CAA knowing what the words "operator" etc are supposed to mean), I would not suggest anybody rushes to convert their FAA IR :)

I "rushed" my conversion through, doing the IRT in January, in case the 15hr conversion route got screwed around with in April. But I had already spent much of 2011 grinding through the exams, etc. so there was no point in slowing down. I did very nearly give up at the very end though...

I would like to be a fly on the wall at EASA... the MEPs who supported the EASA FCL anti-N-reg proposals must now realise they have been conned, because no treaty with the USA is going to provide for a straight paper swap on the IR, or the CPL/IR. Only 2000hr+ jet ATPs have a "swap" route, with 1 flight test I believe.

23rd May 2012, 11:15

I think my friend would have told me to start studying the ATP exams if he had doubts ! I will wait till after June and then re access the situation!
Remember too that what EASA are proposing is legally flawed . I am sure they are aware of that! I also know there will be a legal challenge if all fails! The button is ready to be pushed!
Cheats don't win in the end !


23rd May 2012, 16:22
Interesting my JAA CPL needs renewing in August. Just phoned CAA said no problem we will renew it to a JAA 5 year, but sometime in future will be changed to EASA. I said ill leave the renewal until September then, dont want to pay twice. Not a good idea said the Lady from the CAA you will need a valid license for conversion without that you will be back to courses skills tests etc etc. So renew I will in August, she didnt know if there would be another fee for the issue of the EASA licence. I am assuming as this will be a JAR licence my IMC will remain an IMC on the license ?

23rd May 2012, 16:29
Under EASA you don't want to let anything lapse.

For example if you let the IR lapse at all, you end up back in the clutches of an FTO, for re-training as they see fit. Absolutely the last thing you want to do, especially if you have to rent a twin for it...