View Full Version : Converting from non-JAA CPL(A) to JAR-FCL CPL(A)

7th May 2012, 09:57

I have been reading through the forum trying to work out the answer, but I have not been able to find it.

I am in Australia and have my CASA CPL(A) with about 250 hours. I am moving to Bosnia in Europe and want to convert my license to be able to work over there.

I have contacted the authority over there and they told me they recently adopted the JAR-FCL amendment 7. JAR-FCL1 (http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=jar%20fcl&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CGgQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jaa.nl%2Fpublications%2Fjars%2F606984.p df&ei=mJunT5e6FoutiQfDvICxAw&usg=AFQjCNEpUpNENIAA2JXWqh79-Iz46s-J2Q)

I have been reading through that as well and have some answers, but just wanted to see if anyone can tell me exactly what I will need.

In JAR-FCL 1.015 (c) (1) it says that its possible and in (2) it says that you have to comply with Appendix 2. In Appendix 2 it only specifies the minimum requirements for PPL(A), there is nothing about CPL(A).

The other thing I would like to clarify is, whether in Europe there is a FCL issued by JAA and one issued by a member state. Also if there is a JAA FCL, who I could contact about it.

I have found a lot of people talking about converting to UK CPL(A), but I am not converting to UK.

Thanks for any input.