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View Full Version : AERO 2012 - Ausführliche Berichterstattung

26th Apr 2012, 14:37
Flitelevel.TV war auf der diesjährigen AERO in Friedrichshafen mit einem eigenen Stand vertreten. In über 28 Episoden werden die verschiedensten Neurungen und Produkte rund um die Fliegerei präsentiert. Im Rahmen der AERO2012 fand auch eine hochkarätig besetzte Flitelevel.TV Talk, mit den Teilnehmern Christian Driess (Diamond), Thomas Carl (EASA), Jaroslav Ruzicka (Evektor), Thomas Borchert (Flieger Magazin), Volker Thomalla (Aerokurier), Nik Studer (Swiss Aviation Training) und Hannes Krautzer (Flitelevel.tv) statt.

Das und vieles mehr jetzt online-on-demand unter
FliteLevel TV (http://www.flitelevel.tv/show/Aero-2012)
Unsere iPad App finden Sie unter
FliteLevel TV for iPad on the iTunes App Store (http://itunes.apple.com/app/flitelevel-tv/id471889906)
SmartTV Support
FliteLevel.TV SmartTV (http://smarttv.flitelevel.tv/)

26th Apr 2012, 20:31
If you are going to come here and register solely to advertise your TV channel, you could at least post in the language used by the forum!:hmm:

26th Apr 2012, 20:55
Dont worry I will translate for everyone late on Saturday. I speak that language after I have sunk a few. :p

26th Apr 2012, 21:14
What an incredibly arrogant attitude.

I am sure that quite a few of the forumites are non English natives and make an effort to participate in English. Maybe you could either make the same effort in German or simply keep shut, please?

(neither English or German native, but made the effort to learn both)

26th Apr 2012, 21:24
Yes but everybody speaks English if not shout a little louder always works I find.

26th Apr 2012, 21:26
I was going to post this translation earlier but decided against it. However, here is the English version.

... We bla bla bla TV channel bla bla bla AERO 2012 Friedrichshafen bla bla bla 28 episodes bla bla bla blatant advertising bla bla bla recorded discussion with a bunch of people bla bla bla more blatant advertising bla bla bla link to website bla bla link to iPad app bla bla link to support bla bla bla ...

(BP; Dutch, but learned a bunch of foreign languages at school)