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View Full Version : The captain is a real Slapper

22nd Apr 2012, 09:24
Appreciate ideas on how to counter the hand slapping antics of a senior captain. He has a bad habit of slapping first officers hand away from the thrust levers, radio selectors or MCP selectors if the selections are not to his often misguided taste. Because of his seniority in the old boy's club any complaints to management fall on deaf ears. It is bloody annoying. :ugh:

22nd Apr 2012, 10:27
First, if you slap my hands again then I will go to the police and do you for assault.

Secondly, "you have control". When he insists that you fly then you insist that since he has shown quite clearly that you are not qualified to fly the aircraft then he should do all of the legs. Having an OPS manual reference would help your cause in this regard, does it say anything about the % of legs an FO is to fly to keep the skills up? When he is so wrecked after all of the flying and all of your mates are doing the same thing to him then he might employ a bit of CRM and refrain from the slapping.

22nd Apr 2012, 14:49
What MCDU2 said, especially the promise to charge him with an assault charge the hand him control.

This guy needs a reminder it is 2012. I'd also remind him that he'd be better off retiring with dignity than finishing his career mired in harassment lawsuits and sidelined from the cockpit.

Deep down this guys knows he's wrong. He knows better, he's had all the CRM trg.

23rd Apr 2012, 01:24
Rather than use the reactionary modern knee-jerk method of
threatening the bloke with assault, battery, lawsuits etc and
whatever other legal recourse is used because of the severe
injuries you have brutally and viciously received from all this
hand-slapping, have you ever considered to simply and nicely
ask him to stop doing it? :rolleyes:

It might come as a cultural shock but that's what we used to
do in Oz once, often with positive results.

I know its quite old fashioned and outdated and does not fit
anywhere into the modern 2012 mentality, but give it a try -
the result could be surprising. You might even consider using
a 2012ish method of CRM "Conflict Resolution" assuming you
weren't asleep in the classroom during that module.

23rd Apr 2012, 08:15
Is this still going on? In Australia? OMG, never thought you folks dunnunda would tolerate this sort of sh*t! Any official written report to flight ops management? Verbal reports are useless when there is an old boys network up in the food chain.

Taras B
23rd Apr 2012, 08:29
~maybe try getting one of those "hell's angels" black leather motorcycle riding gloves with studs on the back of the hand... put it on after he slaps you and then look at him sideways with a Bill Murray-style poker face. You may give the offending captain a good belly laugh in spite of himself.

When my siblings and I were kids, my mom would use the wooden spoon... so when we had done something we shouldn't have, we would put on our thick woolen mitts ahead of time in anticipation of the punishment--leaving my mom to figure out what it was we had done! We wouldn't tell her of course, and she would laugh and get exasperated.

Happy days.

23rd Apr 2012, 09:17
You could always just punch him. He'd probably stop then.

de facto
23rd Apr 2012, 13:10
..or axe his hand off:E

Robert G Mugabe
23rd Apr 2012, 14:57
And there is me thinking that the Captain was another type of slapper. Damn

Piltdown Man
23rd Apr 2012, 20:12
Time to involve CASA I think. People like this need to be retired. It's either that or a session behind the bike shed.


de facto
25th Apr 2012, 04:14
Chill pill , 5$ at a shop near you:E

25th Apr 2012, 07:38
Tell him you will slap him back - pre flight of course - do it !!! Will makes you feel much better - promise. Regards. MD80 Commander

P6 Driver
25th Apr 2012, 09:13
Stroke his hand with a degree of affection when he has it on the levers and tell him his hand slaps turn you on.

25th Apr 2012, 10:01
Have had this happen twice in 10 years, one relatively recently, one almost 10 years ago, both guys coincidently enough were Ozzies (not that their nationality means anything)
Both times post-flight I offered to insert their heads into their necks via their anus...seemed to work (helps being a nice guy while saying it..gives the impression that it's a promise not a threat)

25th Apr 2012, 10:39
Firstly put in accross to the captain in a polite way thats its not acceptable.....If it does not improve....report in Print to the CFOM with a copy to the CFSM.

dr dre
25th Apr 2012, 12:27
Just follow John Wayne's lead, perfect way to educate an old fashioned captain!

The High & The Mighty funny cockpit moment - YouTube

25th Apr 2012, 13:45
Next time the idiot does it, say to him "Touch me again and I'll thkweem"

25th Apr 2012, 22:11
Slap his hand back and call him a bitch....it worked at Flybe.

26th Apr 2012, 04:21
Just follow John Wayne's lead, perfect way to educate an old fashioned captain!

Yep that was 1950s CRM - beat the heck out of the skipper if he doesn't see things your way!

FOs had balls in those days. :)

26th Apr 2012, 13:26
FOs had balls in those days.

I suppose you could say a ball in the hand is worth two in the bush:E

26th Apr 2012, 18:44
Next time he flies his leg, and his hand is one the thrust levers, just put your hand on top of his and say "does this make you uncomfortable" while you are looking into his eyes. Worked for me.

Pull what
29th Apr 2012, 20:10
You could reflect on the fact that your flight deck contains two people with little knowledge of CRM and how to apply it.

4th May 2012, 13:40
You could reflect on the fact that your flight deck contains two people with little knowledge of CRM and how to apply it.

"Two people with little knowledge of CRM." A puzzling observation. Surely you mean one person which clearly is the captain. In any case it is nothing to do with "CRM". More like TEM where the "threat" is the captain.:E

The original post mentioned a senior captain as the slapper of hands. The bloke in the RH seat was the `victim` of this unprofessional and insulting behaviour by the captain.

5th May 2012, 01:54
Time to involve CASA I think. People like this need to be retired.
You mean, take it up to the "Screaming Skull"???
Yeah that'll work!:ok:

10th May 2012, 21:42
Totally unacceptable actions by an instructor.The answer is to let the HOD or CP quietly know about it to knock it on the head.

His dudeness
11th May 2012, 08:41
This is 2012 alright...
Rather than use the reactionary modern knee-jerk method of
threatening the bloke with assault, battery, lawsuits etc and
whatever other legal recourse is used because of the severe
injuries you have brutally and viciously received from all this
hand-slapping, have you ever considered to simply and nicely
ask him to stop doing it?

Thanks slasher and a toast to you Sir.

The rest should grow up and stand their ground like grown ups and not behave like 5 year olds.

11th May 2012, 13:06
You can slap him back in the face. Claim it was a reflex. No hurt intended.