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View Full Version : Does anyone else wear their airline issued cap while flying?

21st Apr 2012, 22:43

I can just about keep mine on for the walk through the terminal and walk around!

Link fixed

22nd Apr 2012, 01:27
No. And especially not on the flight deck.

I don't even carry mine to work. It sits nicely on a bookshelf at home ;).

Sir Niall Dementia
22nd Apr 2012, 18:18

Where do you put your ID card, bars, change, pen and other pocket crap whilst in the hotel?

22nd Apr 2012, 19:42
ID: Stays on my jacket
Bars: Attach them immediately to the fresh shirt as soon as I change into my civilian clothes and stays in the wardrobe
Pen: Attached to the strip with trip details on the bedstand with my watch
Change: Either in my 'Foreign currency wallet' or loosely in my pants
Other pocket crap: Usually finds its way into the super-massive black hole aka 'flightkit'



22nd Apr 2012, 20:47
Caps? Only issued on request, less than 1% of the pilots in "my" outfit wear them. I might get one for the next winterseason for those walkarounds on the next stop after we had to deice, to be dripped on by the deicing fluid.

22nd Apr 2012, 22:02
I just hope the guy above had it on for some kind of joke!

27th Apr 2012, 12:02
Yes, I used to fly with a Dart Herald captain who used to fly with his hat on, jammed under his headset. Not only the hat, but with his uniform jacket and raincoat on as as well. I suppose it was his subtle way of telling me that he'd like the heating up a little more, if at all possible! Handley-Page, for reasons best known to themselves, left the air conditioning and pressurisation - such as it was on the Herald - in sole charge of the first officer. The controls were on the right side-coaming, well out of reach of the captain. This bothered some of them greatly.

I'd be sitting there in my shirtsleeves, with both the choke valves closed as far as I dared, short of blowing the Jubilee clips which held the trunking together. He'd look across at me and shout above the ear-splitting blare of the R.Da.527s: "Aren't you COLD young man?"


4th May 2012, 08:21
.................fresh shirt ............... ( there's posh for you !)

How unbelievably organised !

One of my crew - so he told me - walked into his hotel room on a Lagos trip, with the maid still inside his assigned room, doing whatever maids do to service recently vacated rooms. Said crew member threw his hat on to the bed, then fillled it with all the impedimentia from his pockets, and lastly his wallet, at which the maid lay down on the bed - and took her knickers off.

Must have been a Flight Engineer, they had all the fun, being the first point of contact for the girls when walking through the flight deck door.

Remember one Captain, who, when the sun was shining straight in the front window, produced one of the early Baseball style caps, with a longer peak than most that he could pull down over his eyes, trouble is he spoiled the admitted practically of the exercise by having a pair of Junior Jet Club metal wings that we gave to the kids, pinned on the front !

Nowt so queer as folk.