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10th Apr 2012, 21:44
USAF to rebuild its aerospace physiology expertise (http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/usaf-to-rebuild-its-aerospace-physiology-expertise-370521/)

I guess we still have RAFCAM...

11th Apr 2012, 07:34
Hah! Dream on - the UK has cut this area almost to extinction.


11th Apr 2012, 22:32
LM - Indeed. Perhaps all we can hope for is the belief that what the US does - we tend to do do a few years later:{

longer ron
12th Apr 2012, 06:03
There is usually a USAF Flight surgeon/pilot on exchange at RAFCAM,they value and enjoy their time here with us !

12th Apr 2012, 06:14
they value and enjoy their time here with us

Of course they do, look at the extent of the material they have to work with!:}

12th Apr 2012, 07:35
During GIANT VOICE 1979, we had a presentation from a US flight surgeon about some fantastic new high altitude flying clothing he'd recently come across. It was practical and relatively comfortable, certainly more so than the pressure suits the USAF was then using.

It was the Mk21 regulator, P/Q mask and pressure jerkin AEA the RAF had been using for years........

He admitted then, that RAF research and development in the field of flying clothing was well ahead of the USAF's.

12th Apr 2012, 15:30
Quite true Beags- Indeed the RAF IAM ( as was) designed Air Ventilated Suit was adopted by NASA in the early years of their Space programme.
I do recall quite a few expressions of bemusement by our aviation doctors regarding some of the American solutions to Aviation Medicine problems.

longer ron
12th Apr 2012, 20:26
Of course they do, look at the extent of the material they have to work with!

It is a full time flying appointment for them,typically they might come from an F16 or A10 background but I can assure you that they enjoyed the flying and tasks assigned to RAFCAM.
The RAF pilot (Flt Cdr) on CAM is not a Doctor - so therefore having a fully qualified USAF Doctor who is also an experienced military pilot is very useful and both 'sides' have gained from this arrangement !!

Could be the last?
12th Apr 2012, 20:43
The capability RAFCAM could provide has been slowly whittled away over the past 10 yrs+. For example, the move out of Farnbrough and the sale of QQ saw the loss of CHS. this was a world renowned R&D capability that lead the way in many areas of AvMed tech. QQ then off loaded due to it not making sufficient profit.......somewhere in that debacle is a monumental cockup, and as with any capabilities, now lost forever!:ugh:

12th Apr 2012, 21:44
The monumental cock-up occurred in the early 1990s, disbandment of the RAF IAM and the RAE, both irreplaceable organisations. Again, stupidity of the highest order exercised by politicians and senior military officers listening to siren voices assuring that it could all be done much cheaper by other means. Well is has not been cheaper, strategic capabilities have been thrown away and that Great White Elephant QinetiQ is falling apart.
