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7th Apr 2012, 06:48
FOC not confirmed

FOC unable to find your name in the system when I try online checkin.

'Computer says No"

CX helpline - " We don't deal with staff travel"

Benefits - " We are sorry - all out lines are busy leave a message"

Desperation sets in...

I go to airport - " You don't have a valid booking. You can make a booking now - for a flight 4 hours from now."

The flight leaves in 3 hours.

I waste the first day of my leave....
after working my ass off for the last year. After doing 900 hours this is the thanks I get.

:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh: :ugh::ugh:

7th Apr 2012, 08:11
BN should be sacked.

Air Profit
7th Apr 2012, 08:13
"I"nexcusable. As you so eloquently put it, you worked hard for a whole year and they basically steal a day of your leave from you. "I"ncompetence at it's worst.

7th Apr 2012, 09:06
Without doubt the worst staff travel in the industry.

Yoke, if I was you I'd be having a good 4-5 sick days tacked onto leave to compensate for the stress.

Screw 'em.

Hope it works out man.


7th Apr 2012, 09:22
If you tried to FOC but didn't get it confirmed then you should be on the waitlist. The waitlist is not the same as being listed though! Last time I was lucky enough to find someone at check in who knew the system, it still took them ages to transfer our details from one part of the system to another. Meanwhile other Staff with lower priority were getting seats.
How a company can try and skimp on IT in this day and age I do not understand.

7th Apr 2012, 09:45
I'm not defending this crappy inflexible system but here are a couple of top tips to help anyone who needs them:

1. If you're wait listed for an FOC you need to be at the airport 2 hours before so they can transfer your data across so you keep your priority - I saw it in the FAQs somewhere.
2. If you're being caught out by the 4 hour rule you can book for a flight the next day so that there's a ticket in the system that they can find and move onto the flight you want.

Liam Gallagher
7th Apr 2012, 10:00
Deleted as Loopdeloop beat me to it.

7th Apr 2012, 11:04
No direct costs for you
myIDTravel is distributed worldwide as “Software as a Service” and offers a very attractive pricing structure with no direct costs for you. The traveler pays a coupon-based fee which follows a declining price model bound to the amount of coupons guaranteed by the whole myIDTravel community. No further charges, fees or costs will apply.

myIDTravel - Lufthansa Systems (http://www.lhsystems.com/solutions/industry-solutions/myidtravel.htm)

Under the new system all ticket prices have increased as myIDTravel charges for each ticket booked, regardless if it is used or cancelled.

Prior to myIDTravel CX absorbed these cost as part of the business process and the ticket price.

I think we should see a reduction in ticket price, we are not bing told how much more money CX making out of this as their overheads have reduced.

Captain Boers
7th Apr 2012, 13:05
Guys, no use blowing off steam in this forum. Nothing will change. So look at the Grievance procedure and USE IT. :ok:Also make official complaints to AOA:ok:
Now where's the coffee shop gone :)

8th Apr 2012, 10:58
Guys, no use blowing off steam in this forum. Nothing will change. So look at the Grievance procedure and USE IT. Also make official complaints to AOA
Now where's the coffee shop gone

Well, nothing official about complaining to the AOA, they do not have anything to do with the travel system, nor do they have any control or say over it.

An official complaint needs to go to your fleet office so they can take that stack of complaints, if there is one, and then go to their bosses and show what a failure this new travel system is.

And I don't think this is really fit for a grievance procedure as travel is a benefit solely at the company's discretion, has nothing to do with grievance process. Although, you can try it, who knows.

So if you are gonna complain, at least complain to the right person. :rolleyes:

8th Apr 2012, 12:35

still have to list with indiv airlines even though eticket for oneworld look same as cx. Almost missed an AA flight due to that. Idiot BN emailed at the same time that was the case but too late for me.

8th Apr 2012, 14:04
If we all stopped using their useless staff travel system and purchased full fare tickets on other carriers CX would get the hint. Contrary to popular belief, CX makes bundles on their staff travel. I for one plan only using my yearly allotted FOC's - the rest of my travel will be full fare with someone else. Zuji is your friend!!

8th Apr 2012, 19:33
Yeah, good one Pasa. That'll show 'em. I'm sure they'll drop everything and fix it immediately now.

8th Apr 2012, 22:38
Good one indeed, Pasa!

Guess who owns zuji?!

Turbine Overheat
9th Apr 2012, 10:58
Well for once it does not appear to be swire owned?

9th Apr 2012, 12:23
I've now spent enough money on other carriers and the shine has worn off!
Fact one; i[don't,can't,won't]journey is an epic cockup.
Fact two; we'll have to put up with it 'cos no heads will roll in kitty city.
So; we're on our own.:ugh: Thanks Loop de loop [and Liam G.] :ok: Good tips I wasn't aware of.
Can someone start a pprune helpline thread? The company sure can't/don't/won't do it!

[edited for increasingly poor grammar - back to the vino!]

13th Apr 2012, 13:26
On my way to the Sevens, listed J SYD/HKG with five greens showing, not so at check in, Y it was all the way. Return the same, the worst night flight ever, sitting in those crappy shell back torture seats sans seat cushions! I don't know how CX gets away with this? I must say, I was not charged J fare, so that part works ok but I will never accept Y again in CX, no matter how long I have to wait to get J as listed.

16th Apr 2012, 13:26
Just flew back from JHB.... Told at gate 2.5 hours before the flight by the "lovely" girl that I would DEFINITELY not be getting a J class seat, despite holding that ticket. After checking in 3 more pax WAY after the flight was closed finally heard there were two empty J class seats. Great, I thought! No. She told me I was definitely going Y as she was going to upgrade two Y class pax into the two remaining business class seats. Same team, same dream....:yuk:

16th Apr 2012, 15:06
Kasompe , we're you holding an FOC priority 4 or stby ticket?

16th Apr 2012, 17:49

1. Travel Ticketed or

2. Find a friend or significant other who works for an airline whose non-rev travel system works better and will put you in their system

Cheers :)

16th Apr 2012, 19:32
....European sector, return ticket with LH, 4.20 eur for "my id travel fees".
That's what it says on the ticket printout.
Unbelievable !
......And they now call it concession ticket like it's a concession and not us paying for otherwise empty, non revenue ticket.

17th Apr 2012, 15:36
It was just a normal J Class standby ticket. If it had been FOC I would have had higher priority but been in EY anyway. I bought J because I figure it gives you two chances to get on now that you can't buy both, and also hopefully keep me out of those spine bending EY seats! But I didn't count on a little Southern European lady arbitrarily upgrading two pax at her whim whilst telling me from the very start that ...and I quote...... "definitely wouldn't be going business"!!!:{

18th Apr 2012, 00:48
Well that is what their rule book says:yuk: get yourself a black book and write down the names of the staff that treat you like a pleb. One day they are going to be asking you for help and you can say...do you remember back in time to...well you are most definetly not coming with!!!:=

I've got to a point that I don't use stby tickes any longer. I use my FOC 's once a year asia miles around Asia and air Asia for the rest! :ok:

Just bought tickes for October to krabi on air ASIA for the family including taxes hkd5000:D

18th Apr 2012, 08:28
my wife spent a day and half trying to list, but the system kept crashing at the final stage, she emailed benifits to ask for help, but they refused, she ended up missing the flight as she could not list and had to travel a day late. Now i have to wonder what would happen to you if you missed a duty due this kind of failure in the system.

Mr. Bloggs
18th Apr 2012, 10:49

Correct me if I’m wrong but are the check in staff required to upgrade other pax if there are seats open and you are holding a J class ticket? I don’t know I rarely use the staff travel system.

If not, I suggest you talk to your Chief Pilot or Deputy (if they are approachable) or speak to someone in Operations. You have to go higher up the food chain if you want to get results.

Find out from your CP or Operations as who is in charge of the airport staff and then ask them to look into it.

Speaking to BN is like pi$$ing into the wind at best.

Should be taken further if the check in staff violated any rules. If not, it will continue to happen.

18th Apr 2012, 12:35
You're absolutely right. Emailed BN.....surprise surprise, no reply.
Maybe will contact JHB Station Manager....it certainly didn't seem right on the day!

Mr. Bloggs
18th Apr 2012, 13:33

I don’t think you will get much satisfaction with the Station Manager as they will protect their own people and then it may reflect poorly on them. BN is concentrating on telling you the price of tea in China, he will take a couple of weeks for that.

I think you have to find out who is in charge of the Station Manager, who is his/her Superior (preferably someone in Hong Kong). I don’t know the hierarchy of the Station Staff but someone has to bring this to their attention.

Someone in Flight Ops i.e. CP, DCP, Ops should know who to go to in this case.

18th Apr 2012, 15:15
Good point. Normally hate complaining as there are always two sides, but this really p....d me off!!:ok:

18th Apr 2012, 15:47
Don't mean to teach you to suck eggs but... If you have a name (above or below works if you don't know the individual's name) put it into the people search in intraCX then hit the org chart on the right. That'll give you their immediate superior and so on up or down the chain.

18th Apr 2012, 19:25
ON Virgin America on staff travel, treated like a king at check in. Sent to gate.. no loitering around the check in counter, given FIRST CLASS seat, and now using wifi in flight drinking Margaritas on the way to Cancun...

Very different from my Cathay flight that took me to LA to catch this..

19th Apr 2012, 04:17
Thanks, Loopdeloop, I'll do that!:ok:

Mr. Bloggs
19th Apr 2012, 11:57
Thanks Loopdeloop,

Didn't know you could do that.

20th Apr 2012, 06:09
This is what our passengers will see today when they try to book online with CX.


We apologise the page that you requested is not available at the moment. Please click here to go to our home page. If you need further assistance, please contact our eService Centre at + 852 2747-2200 , or send us an email at [email protected].

No surprise then that the staff travel system is a total nightmare.

Sometimes I think we do well not because we are the best, we are just less worse than the competition.

20th Apr 2012, 07:20
The majority of locals will live in a shoebox yet drive a BMW/Merc, for the same reason they fly CX it's a status thing especially with mainlanders, worst part is prospective pilots fall for the same magic show as the punters :ugh:

Not Hiding
25th Apr 2012, 22:40
Here is what a friend at another airline can see on her iPhone/iPad regarding standby flying on HER airline. This information is available to ALL employees of the airline.


Harbour Dweller
26th Apr 2012, 00:24
Great layout.

Clear, logical, detailed & all on one page. No need to press a million buttons for useless pop up screens.

Leaves the CX system for dead.

26th Apr 2012, 02:13
Yes, what's so difficult about setting something up like that?
We need heads to roll and another complete overhaul.

26th Apr 2012, 08:48
Bert Nippleless would just deny this existed. It's simply not feasible that other airlines actually have a clue, or have a better system than his.:ugh:
He was actually at the Staff Counter HIMSELF the other night and witnessed firsthand the fiasco of pax being left behind (London) whilst the aircraft departed with 9 empty seats. But do you think the useless $%#@ will do anything about it? Of course not. Why do your job when you can get away with walking pompously around the Benefits Centre with a phone glued to your head and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?!!:D

24th May 2012, 01:30
This was recently shown on the ijourney weekly update site.

Flight Predictability display
A popular feature in the old TravelDesk was the information display showing overall flight status and how many ID travellers were already listed. As the iflySTAFF system is a commercial product there were limitations on the amount of customisation we could include in time for the roll-out with PSS. However, I’m pleased to advise that we are re-building and enhancing the predictability feature and aim to introduce it in the next few months.

24th May 2012, 14:18
My first experience with iNotflytoday and just wondering if I'm missing something. Make booking for HKG-LON (pri 26, J class, availability green), check-in/register online (noting SBY reference #), arrive at airport and wait at staff travel counter at ETD-60. Lots of people called up for LON and given boarding passes but not me. Counter now getting busy with other flights so at T-35, I approach the desk and ask if LON is closed. I am rudely told that if I haven't been called, I'm not getting on. I explain that there were 15+ seats in J and ask for an explanation as to why I'm the only one left who didn't get on. Asks for my passport, and explains that they didn't know I was at the airport. Claims I should have approached the desk at least 90m prior to register. WTF? What is the point of registering online??

24th May 2012, 17:51
You still need to check in online or register at the airport. Ordering the ticket through IJourney is only the equivalent of getting a paper ticket and listing on the flight.

I did manage to check my family in online for a flight and then just showed up at the airport 60 minutes prior.

25th May 2012, 01:42
Now I am getting confused. I was under the impression that once one got a SBY reference# on line, one had already checked in/registered.
Are you saying that one has to re register at the Stand By counter on arrival at the airport?

25th May 2012, 03:03

Treat everything that happens on I journey as the purchase of the ticket and then, as with any full fair ticket, you need to check-in at some point (either online or at the airport). So you do need to swing by the standby counter.

For iflystaff:

When you book a flown ticket, you are only automatically listed in CX or KA. For other airlines, AA, BA, MH etc I think you need to list separately with the airline in question.

For Myidtravel, you pay for your ticket directly to the airline and the booking is the listing....

But you still need to check in!

At least that is my understanding of it.

Anyone know how to check in online with CX.....not managed to work that out with the new system.

25th May 2012, 03:50
You can online check in
Direct link
Cathay Pacific Online Check-In (http://www.cathaypacific.com/icheckin2/forMLC.do?action=Checked&COUNTRY=HK&type=nonMember&source=WEB&)

If its greens, you can even pick your seat then (some ports)

25th May 2012, 04:28
If you attempt to check-in online and you are given a stand-by reference number it says underneath that you still need to front up at the airport and register at least 60mins before departure. If it allows you to "pseudo check-in" (select a seat), it says you need to front up to collect your actual boarding pass and drop off your bags at least 45mins before departure. Exactly the same procedures as for online check-in under the old Travel Desk system.

25th May 2012, 11:18
I can see your frustration 777300. Yes you can register for standby online but that just means that you don't have to be there at least 2 hrs before to keep your priority. You then have to report to the standby desk at least 1 hr before the flight where you are given another standby number! You were only registered for standby, not actually registered for standby.
Similarly I was told that I was not listed for a flight, you see I was only waitlisted for my FOCs but not actually listed. Get it!

Mr. Bloggs
25th May 2012, 12:11
You were only registered for standby, not actually registered for standby.

Bob is that you!:}

wheels up
26th May 2012, 15:51
I cannotfly down until tomorrow 11pm - oh joy! I wonder how many people are stranded....

28th May 2012, 01:38
Ordered from Staff travel tickets for Air NZ last Friday - wanting to collect tickets in NZ and got this response, today Monday.........

Just letting anyone know in case you to are requiring tickets.

Dear colleague,

Thank you for your enquiry regarding staff travel.

The following message was reply from NZ office:

We are currently receiving a very high volume of manual booking forms, you must allow 7 working days for any travel bookings to be processed. (current minimum requirement)

We can only generate the IATA788 letter for you pick up the paper ticket at HKG NZ office ( pay by cash only ).

Please let us know if you need the letter, Thanks your attention.

11th Jun 2012, 00:31
Is there a way to log into MYIDTravel (ie https://www.myidtravel.com/myidtravel/start?previousAction=mainframe_start&action=welcome) without going through IntraCX?

On the link above CX is not one of the options, and no idea what the username/password is.....


11th Jun 2012, 05:16
Sent an inquiry regarding this subject to the BSC and received a reply from BN saying CX is not part of that website and for reasons I couldn't understand as it was written in hieroglyphics, CX has no plans to become part of the site.

Therefore, we get to "journey" through 10 web pages prior to accessing the ticket request site.

Very convenient, especially if/when you have to change airlines quickly at the last minute.


11th Jun 2012, 07:26
You can link the page just prior to myidtravel to your shortcuts on intracx home page.

The ijourney page with General Flight Search And Availability, with the myidtravel link on it. My id travel then works ok and only two pages before the one you want.

I tried linking direct to myidtravel but it does not work, has to go through ijourney.

11th Jun 2012, 09:52
You can link the page just prior to myidtravel to your shortcuts on intracx home page.

Yes, had done that, but was just trying to have a favourite saved where I didn't have to log in to IntraCX at all.

Sent an inquiry regarding this subject to the BSC
I might do the same thing. Probably pointless, but let them know it's a feature we want.
Cheers Guys

11th Jun 2012, 13:27
and,and the little pop that appears asking ''correct email?'' whats that about?

12th Jun 2012, 01:45
Is there a special area one logs onto for Standby Registration.
I have tried online check-in and get the following message:

Online Check-In

Due to certain flight restrictions, Online Check-In is unavailable. Please proceed to the airport for Check-In. We apologise for the inconvenience.

12th Jun 2012, 02:31
As far as I am aware Standy registration is available through On-line check in and On-line check in is available only 24 hours prior to your flight for Staff Travel. With your message, there may be a problem with the system (just for a change :rolleyes::rolleyes:).

Some How I'm Tired
12th Jun 2012, 19:29
Can someone please tell me how to update dependent details! When I bring up the dependent details screen, it will only allow me to alter the Advanced Passenger Information. I can't enter the 'Personal Details' or 'Passport Details' sections to add information!!

25th Jun 2012, 08:29
Some helpful chap wrote on one of these threads about an App that shows you your listing without going through the CX system. Anyone help me with the name of the App? I cannot find the post now.

25th Jun 2012, 09:59
checkmytrip.com website, also available as an app for various smartphones.

The Rip
25th Jun 2012, 18:54
For the past few times I have used i can'tjourney when the flights are all open for a particular port I have tried to online check-in & for each time I get a standby reference number. On arrival at the airport its "o" on the standby board in HKG or they just give you a boarding pass straightaway at outport stations. Whats the point letting us online check in if the flights are all green with 15+/50+ only to tell us to standby anyway? If they don't want us to use this online check in system, just don't let us have the option to use it iso wasting our time clicking on the "check-in" icon giving us false hope.

Is it just me or are others experiencing the same?

Flight Predictability display
A popular feature in the old TravelDesk was the information display showing overall flight status and how many ID travellers were already listed. As the iflySTAFF system is a commercial product there were limitations on the amount of customisation we could include in time for the roll-out with PSS. However, I’m pleased to advise that we are re-building and enhancing the predictability feature and aim to introduce it in the next few months.

The above was posted in Apr. Its almost Jul. How long do we have to wait?

26th Jun 2012, 13:49
Thanks for that Freehills. BTW love your handle...

27th Jun 2012, 03:47
iJourney gurus.....trying to get home soon and as the flights are pretty full, here is what I'm pondering....can we book an FOC, (mine are economy, I just checked and I can get it confirmed, not waitlisted) and then at the same time standby for a Biz class seat if that comes available? Trying to avoid the economy seat at all costs for an overnight trip home!:eek::ouch:

Thanks all


AQIS Boigu
27th Jun 2012, 06:03
Not a guru but let's see if I can help...if the FOC gets confirmed right away why don't you just use the 26 biz class tix and hope for the best? Obviously there are plenty of seats in EY.

I am not sure if they like to see you use both tix on the same flight...

27th Jun 2012, 06:09
AQ, it's showing all red, well, red sad face, in EY, but the yellow maybe face in Biz...am I correct in saying we are the, or a, high priority upgrade to Biz from our FOC? I just hate our EY seats with a passion:ugh::ugh:


Edmund Spencer
4th Jul 2012, 03:21
Anyone know what happened to the intracx online Austalian ETA application?

4th Jul 2012, 03:52
I expect with an economy FOC you are in fact the lowest priority to get upgraded to J. Why would they provide a no cost item to help a staff member? Its not the CX way.