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View Full Version : Boeing employee in B787 mishap

2nd Apr 2012, 08:29
Just came across this piece of news. My apologies if it had been posted elsewhere.

Boeing employee trapped under 787 leaves hospital

A Boeing employee who became trapped under a 787 jet and lost both his legs has been released from hospital after nearly two months.
Josh Divers spoke to reporters as he left a medical centre in Seattle last week. He says he remembers the "horrible pain" but now how the accident happened, the Associated Press reports.
The 30-year-old was run over by a 787 Dreamliner at the aircraft manufacturer's factory in Everett, Washington on February 3.
Emergency crews were called to rescue him from under the plane's landing gear and he was flown to hospital, where his legs were later amputated.
Divers remembers shouting updates like "my hips are trapped" to emergency services personnel when trapped at Paine Field.
He says it helped to have "a release of pain just by yelling".
He still has months of rehabilitation ahead of him, learning to walk with his prosthetic limbs.
Divers says Boeing has been fully supportive throughout the ordeal and he hopes to work for the company again one day.

2nd Apr 2012, 09:17
Certainly wasn't a dream for this poor chap. :(

2nd Apr 2012, 09:46
A tragic industrial accident (and I'm glad to hear Boeing is standing by the poor guy) but I don't think this has any broader implications for the aviation industry.

2nd Apr 2012, 10:47
How long before we hear that it couldn't happen to groundcrew under the wheels of an A380? :E

Agree by the way, tragic for the individual, but not really relevant here.

2nd Apr 2012, 10:48
That happens too many times :(

Accident: SAS A343 at Copenhagen on Sep 27th 2010, ground worker loses both legs (http://avherald.com/h?article=4317f031)
Accident: Air India A321 at Mumbai on Jul 18th 2010, nose gear runs over legs of ground worker (http://avherald.com/h?article=42e78177)

2nd Apr 2012, 12:02
The only reason this got any focus what-so-ever, is the fact it was a B787. Had it been a 737, 747, DC6 or whatever, the headline would jet read "Ground crew run over by jet".

Tragic for the person, a non even in the grand scheme of it all and certainly not worth adding B787 to the title.

2nd Apr 2012, 18:25
Tsk tsk tsk. Not in the grand scheme of things? A valuable guy's life could have been snuffed out. Ground safety and hangar safety issues are just as important as flight safety issues. I certainly don't want to be squashed flat whilst doing my walk around checks, and I certainly don't want to see my ground crew and loaders getting hurt either.

2nd Apr 2012, 20:06
Hey if an A380 ran him over the gear would snap off, HA. ok in bad taste but couldn't resist. over

2nd Apr 2012, 20:50
You missed the point entirely.
Somewhere right now someone is being hurt at work.

Do we hear about it? No
Why? Because it's not related to a newsworthy theme.

2nd Apr 2012, 21:00
Don't be heartless, off course this relevent to an aviation forum. Goodness me, its terrible, and I certainly had not heard of it anywhere else so thankyou for whoever posted it here. I think its important we all be as educated as possible in as many facets of our industry as we can be. Finding out it has happened before shocks me. The more people who know about it may potentially help prevent it from happening to other people

3rd Apr 2012, 07:44
Having worked with a guy who lost a leg in a pushback accident I can assure you it happens all too often.

@ Liveryman

Maybe you should stick to discussing aircraft colour schemes and leave the serious side of aviation for the professionals.