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View Full Version : Was the first officer being too diplomatic in CRM video

5th Mar 2012, 11:03

See this link which depicts a stuffed up instrument approach conducted by the captain. Note the superfluous chatting by the captain ever so casual. Although the video is almost certainly taken in a simulator and presumably is for the purpose of teaching new first officers all about CRM, one could argue the F/O was too timid to really ensure the captain was getting the message that he was seriously off track.

Sure, the F/O dropped hints but this was hidden in the general casual atmosphere displayed on the flight deck. Maybe the point of the video was to show this?

Either way the F/O nearly left it too late to take action when the GPWS sounded "Terrain Pull Up" Perhaps he should have been more firm with the captain earlier in the approach when it was obvious things were getting serious.

Regardless of individual reader's opinion of the captains friendly chatting and the F/O's carefully chosen hints that the captain was off track, it is an excellent video which leaves you to read what you want to into it. It takes two minutes to download but is worth waiting for.

9th Mar 2012, 07:37
Very laid back I would say. The FO never really relayed good information on the terrain or offered an effective solution until just before he himself had to take action. It was obvious he was concerned quite early on. A bit of a pause but not a word about a night visual approach with low stratus :ugh:

10th Mar 2012, 20:08
This video was generated through the JAR-TEL project, to gain operational experience of the NOTECHs system for assessing CRM skills.

This video (along with others which I have) are commonly used to train CRM Instructors post-JARTEL

They are filmed in the simulator and are specifically directed.