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View Full Version : CRM Validity

26th Jan 2012, 14:10
Can someone please tell me where it states that CRM is valid until the end of the month of the day the course before was completed?

3rd Feb 2012, 02:35
There's a validity period for CRM? :confused:

Doesn't make sense. I thought it was like swimming and
bike riding - once you done it you don't forget it. All I get
are annual refreshers as it should be.

So if a skipper's CRM validity runs out he can therefore go
back to flailing FOs with a buggy whip?

6th Feb 2012, 02:10
Not sure where you arem(country) but most CRM courses are dictated by your aviation authority. It should be part of your overall recurrent.

I guess??????


11th Feb 2012, 10:40
It's a good question. I've tried finding it in EU-OPS where it specifically states for technical recurrents that the validity is one year from the date that the test was taken plus the remainder of that month. It has no such statement for CRM courses.
However, I have worked for at least one well-known charter airline that just bunched CRM with the rest of the annual recurrent stuff and treated it the same with regards expiry.