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View Full Version : Updating Airport Charts

14th Jan 2012, 08:57
Our company still uses paper charts. Due to our limited network, 3 manuals of charts each cover all destinations, alternates and plenty of enroute airports. These are left onboard, together with a back up library of the region (3 other manuals).

When new charts are issued, manuals are updated by the office simply by placing the new charts, effective in a few days time, behind the current charts. It is then left up to the pilot to notice that there are 2 charts for the STAR or approach plate required. I find this practice quite unsafe, as it could easily be missed.

I am interested to know how other operators deal with updating their manuals. Thanks

14th Jan 2012, 16:58
Before we had EFB's...

We had ship sets with laundry service... So they would take the whole nav bag off the aircraft, then place onboard the updated navbag.... Old one going away to be updated and placed back onboard the next cycle.

We also have and always had access to the charts on the internet incase one is missing downroute (or for EFB failure) so we can print current charts and charts for the next cycle.

Same with the company manuals and paper rtow... Both now on EFB also.


20th Jan 2012, 05:51
Back when we still had jeppesen airport booklets (one bound booklet with all charts per airport) we had basically the same deal as PT6As company had. However for aircraft that didn't visit a base where the guys from the update service could exchange the bag at the update day we often got two airport booklets for those airports that had changes. It was our responsibility to use the correct booklet and checking the date of the chart was one of the biggest things during each briefing. By he way, we could take the out of date booklets home if we wanted and those were in quite high demand in the SIM community.

Nowadays its all electronic, no paper charts on board at all, only two EFBs.

20th Jan 2012, 15:43
Use a stamp with the text Valid until "Date" for the old Charts.
There are stamps available were you can change the date.
If the stamp color is red the pilots will notice it.