View Full Version : NDBs

4th Jan 2012, 06:46
If you have two ndbs , NDB A is at the coast and NDB B is inland , NDB A is a low powered and NDB B is high powered , which NDB should the pilot use ?

4th Jan 2012, 07:44
The one you can get a bearing to or, if you're getting both, the one that's most pertinent to your route of flight.

4th Jan 2012, 08:03
The coastal low power NDB is more prone to coastal errors....

The inland high power NDB should be a better bet for all reasonable distance navigation.

But as already said, use the one with the best signal, and confirmed ID.

4th Jan 2012, 08:13
Before using either, ensure that you are within rated coverage.

4th Jan 2012, 16:27
Which will have the least errors due to coastal refraction ?

Mark 1
4th Jan 2012, 18:10
If it's actually on the coast, then coastal refraction will not be an issue. The coastal effect is most important when the coast is part way between you and the beacon.

Really, you should ignore both and look at your GPS, then not worry about refraction, dip, nocturnal and other effects.

Power isn't an issue if you have a clear ident and are within designated coverage.

6th Jan 2012, 13:08
Thanx guys for the Responses