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12th Dec 2011, 17:21

I stumbled upon JAA PPL USA UK Flight Training USA,California,Florida specialising in JAA CAA PPL,Helicopter training,JAA ATPL Ground School,IMC,Night,Multi,FAA,DGCA-Indian Pilot Training,UK RT Radio licence, JAA ATPL,Professional Pilot Program,PTIP (http://www.ukft.com), and they offer a JAA and FAA PPL, and a JAR-Compliant PPL-Basic.

would i get the same PPL as i would get when I make my ppl for instance in Europe?

i am a bit confused about that issue.

best regards

Genghis the Engineer
12th Dec 2011, 18:17
Yes, you would, at-least for Brits.


13th Dec 2011, 08:44
they offer a JAA and FAA PPL, and a JAR-Compliant PPL-Basic.This is all marketing doublespeak. What they actually offer is an FAA PPL that can later be converted to a JAA PPL - no different from the FAA PPL available at every other flight school across the USA. The only difference with UKFT is that it is run by a UK FE(PPL) and so the process of converting the FAA PPL may be slightly more convenient.

Two things should be remembered: UKFT is not a JAA approved FTO and there is no such thing as a 'JAR-compliant' licence.

13th Dec 2011, 09:10
Anybody going to do a JAA PPL in the USA should make sure they come out with both a JAA PPL and an FAA PPL.

A number of schools there can do this.

The cost and effort in getting both is minimal, over and above the JAA one, and the FAA PPL will be yours for life. To use it, you just need a BFR every 2 years and an FAA Class 3 medical.

14th Dec 2011, 08:27
but on their page they clearly state
"Our other non UK European students will obtain a full JAA PPL issued by the UK CAA which will allows them to fly freely all over Europe without any licence conversion. " (JAA PPL USA UK Flight Training USA,CA specialising in JAA CAA PPL,IMC,Night,Multi,FAA,DGCA-Indian Pilot Training,Radio licence, JAA ATPL,Professional Pilot Program,PTIP (http://www.ukft.com/JAR-CompliantPPL-45hrs.htm))

I gathered that He is a CAA examiner, but not a CAA certified training facility. what does that mean? He can take the checkride, but you have to do your theory exams elsewhere?

best regards

14th Dec 2011, 17:17
If something sounds too good to be true...

14th Dec 2011, 17:26

I asked in a mail and got the response that i get both the jaa AND the faa PPL.

14th Dec 2011, 18:23
You may want to review this document which lists the FTO's approved by the UK CAA for undertaking Flight Training.
UKFT in Long Beach are not present in this document. Standards Document 31 Version 105: Organisations Conducting CAA and JAR-FCL Approved Courses of Flight and Ground Training | Publications | CAA (http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=33&pagetype=65&appid=11&mode=detail&id=2854)

So you may want to ask them quite specifically how exactly is a UK JAA license obtained... when they do not appear to be approved to conduct this training.

14th Dec 2011, 20:55
yes, I asked him, but i already wrote it above. they are not a CAA FTO, but he is a CAA instructor and examiner. I also wondered how this would work.

but i'll wate for the reply.

14th Dec 2011, 21:47
It doesn't matter who examins you, if you want a JAR licence, you need to do a JAR-FCL approved course at a JAR-FCL approved FTO. If they're not on the list, there's no way you can get a UK JAR Licence.

15th Dec 2011, 08:07
If they're not on the list, there's no way you can get a UK JAR Licence.That is incorrect. As I pointed out above, UKFT will train you for the issue of an FAA Private Certificate and then assist you complete the extra experience requirements and to pass the JAA PPL Skill Test (conducted by the owner who is, indeed, a JAA FE). This will enable you to apply to the UK CAA for the issue of a JAA PPL on the basis of the FAA Certificate in accordance with LASORS Section C. There is nothing special about UKFT in this respect, you could obtain a Private Certificate through any other flight school in the US (or, indeed, a PPL in any other ICAO contracting state) and complete the Skill Test back in the UK.

All of the talk about a 'JAR compliant' licence is rubbish - there is no such beast. This simply refers to the FAA Private Certificate which, in common with any other licence issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1, may be validated for use within the JAA. This is currently automatic in the case of UK registered aircraft, although more stringent requirements may obtain in other European countries. A common system will be adopted throughout the EU with the implementation of Annex III to the EU Aircrew Regulation next year.

16th Dec 2011, 16:03
ok, so anybody has been there or has an opinion on the FTO?
