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12th Dec 2011, 12:10
Have anyone seen something like ERP for Ground Service Provider? If so, please advise on what basis is it built (structure, topics, etc.). Is it common to ICAO SMM ?

13th Dec 2011, 19:21
I'm afraid I can't help - I haven't seen an ERP for ground handling operations. I would expect the detail to be very specific to the services provided and to the environment you operate in. In some respects I would even expect the ERP to be developed by the airport operator and the handling company's part to be detailed there.

FWIW, I would expect the structure to contain
a clear scope for the plan,
the triggers/initiators to put the plan in action,
clear decision-making responsibilities and authority, and
detailed procedures for the events covered - including checklists and notification etc.

It's not really going to follow the structure of a SMM but is going to form part of an effective SMS. The SMM should explain how the ERP is developed and maintained - who is responsible, who must be involved and so on, and how often (or when) it is reviewed. The SMS should also identify training needs for everyone involved and ensure the necessary competence is maintained.

Like all of these SMS things, it's mainly common sense and not rocket science....despite what the 'experts' would like us to believe about their field.

21st Dec 2011, 10:15
My asking was to find if safety specialists in different GSPs built their ERP like we do - if built.

As for the papers It should be Airport's responsibility to deal with it, unfortunately airports often forget what is the most imopratant thing in Contingency Planning - not only passengers but their families that await in the terminal.

5th Jan 2012, 10:13

The ISAGO standards require an accredited ground handler to have an Emergency Response Plan however doesn't provide a lot in the guidance material as to what it should comprise. What it does allow however is recognition of the airport or operator ERP and for the ground handler to point to that.

One aspect of this question is does it relate to an emergency within the ground handler itself, or the ground handler assisting in the response to an operator/airport incident.

Ground handlers I have seen don't do so well at the former, and their strength at the latter depends on the level of training and exercise training from the airport/operator.

22nd Sep 2015, 08:44
A bit too close to free adverts, chaps.

Intelligent readers can google to find such sites.