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8th Dec 2011, 13:26
Hey Pruners!

There's a rumour doing the rounds that in certain dark blue aviation communities that due to a (formerly forgotten?) Aircrew Crash Seat max weight limitation (150kgs IIRC), some of our 'big boned' aviation colleagues may have to shed some excess poundage to meet a basic operating weight of some 98kgs (15.5ish stone) (stop sniggering at the back racing snakes!) :ok:

This equates to 52kgs of 'wearable' kit - I'm guessing that's possible for those who routinely get shot at, if you include body armour, seat armour, et al. Understand that the AAC have already adopted this for Apache, in the form of "lose weight within 3 months or back to source branch you go sunshine". Unsure if Light Blue have any similar restrictions.

Thoughts/comments/experiences/banter/WeightWatchers links welcome...

VFTC (still racing, no longer a snake)

8th Dec 2011, 13:35
Bugger - that's Friday Buns followed by Friday Fish followed by Friday Beers off the menu then... :(

8th Dec 2011, 13:35
Waaaah, The seat/kit bang limit is well known - a friend of mine was refused his backseat for being a chubster....

that was in 97.

Airborne Aircrew
8th Dec 2011, 13:39
This should get interesting...


8th Dec 2011, 13:54
Cornish, wasn't a 'waaaaah' - i think we all *know* it exists, and can quote examples of 'chubsters' being told to stop eating for two - it's the potential rigid enforcement of the rule and subsequent cosequences that is of note here. There exists a dichotomy between RNFT/FT (Any) passes and groundings due to weight. A strapping 6ft plus Crewie, passing RNFT to 'good/v good', i would argue, would easily breach the 98 kilo (alleged) limit.

Doing ASW in the SWAPPS - is it fair/right to apply the same kit weight from that of a tooled up Junglie or Wildcat mate, just because the seat is the same?

AA - congrats on 1000 posts!

8th Dec 2011, 13:57
It's really very simple.

Ban WAFUs from getting married/living in sin. The singlies are all well under max AUW :}

8th Dec 2011, 13:57
{waddles off to smash in a sausage roll before the rules change} :{

8th Dec 2011, 14:15
Understand that the AAC have already adopted this for Apache, in the form of "lose weight within 3 months or back to source branch you go sunshine".

That would be a typical piece of pongo nonsense. The original spec. would have been written around a specific percentile weight, plus a specific weight of flying clothing. If now, due to expeditionary wars in the north-west frontier, the weight of flying clothing and protective AEA has increased significantly, that should require a review of the seat stressing and weight limit. Poking fun at aircrew and demanding that they lose weight because the seat limit is now inadequate is totally unreasonable - but that'd be the pongoes for you.

Incidentally, the RN doesn't have a bang seat limit these days - no bang seats, no limits.....:mad:

8th Dec 2011, 14:35
Hawks, BEagle, Hawks!

Mick Strigg
8th Dec 2011, 15:23
This is neither a Navy limit or a Bang-Seat limit, it is a Wildcat limit. The crashworthy seats in the Wildcat have this restriction to allow the seats to "stroke" during a crash.

So, no pies for the Pongoes either!

P6 Driver
8th Dec 2011, 18:40
Photo deleted - bearing in mind posts 14 & 15, the chap featured is obviously recognised and as I have no intention of setting out to cause deliberate embarrassment, I have taken the photo down. I hope that's OK.

RAF officer - pilot wings - at an air show.

8th Dec 2011, 19:03
I'd love to be a fly on the wall during that aircrew medical! Unless, of course, he's smuggling in the beer barrel for the after-show hangar party..

Just This Once...
8th Dec 2011, 19:29
I like the fact that the head has been removed from that shot but the E-3D folks will have no trouble in recognising him!

8th Dec 2011, 20:00
Looks like he's lost a pound or two!

8th Dec 2011, 20:09
Hawks, BEagle, Hawks!

You're the RN with the USN, methinks!