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6th Dec 2011, 15:18
You join a new Company as a direct entry Commander who is experienced on type.

The report time is 45 minutes before departure but the training Captains turn up (consistently) at only 20 minutes before departure and then continually pressurizes you to rush everything including doing items such as departure briefings during pushback.

How would you tackle this situation?

6th Dec 2011, 16:18
If that is Training Captains plural, then apparently it is in the company culture.
Be safe, try to keep up, get your command and keep looking at ads for pilots..

If it's the minority, talk to the Training Boss and ask for guidance.

As an experienced captain you know what is right or wrong, make sure you survive. Fighting the company culture never seems to work, especially not for new arrivals.

6th Dec 2011, 18:03
How about
Report -45
Sort necessary
Leave note to say 'fuel ordered xxx, got paperwork' etc
Go to a/c and get ready?
Welcome 'late' TC with 'Standard brief, any questions?'
Remember Post #2

6th Dec 2011, 19:16
Or ....
1. Report at a suitable time that allows you to fully brief yourself and pass the fuel order etc
2. Advise the Ops people of what you have done
3. At an appropriate time after report time, proceed to aircraft and do what is necessary in liaison with despatcher, engineers etc to facilitate departure
4. When the Training Captain(s) arrive, tell them what you have done.
5. Explain to them that had they been FO's, you would have questioned their reason for late report and noted their explanation for possible future report, then delayed departure until you were sure that they were fully briefed and given them time to 'zone-in'
6. As TC's, ensure that they have familiarised (already) themselves with the relevant facts for flight before departing
7. Most importantly, ensure that everything has been completed as per SOP and do not let their slackness dictate your professionalism.

If that results in a rejection, then walk away with your professional standards upheld and your head held high.

14th Dec 2011, 14:43
I say bugger their slack-arse culture and roll up on time and
do the wx/fuel/notams yourself. If the so-called training capt
hasn't appeared by then proceed to the aircraft and that way
when buggerlugs decides to turn up you won't be pressured
as much.

Sounds like you're either in XXX or with some slack bunch
of XXX misfits....

(probably need to keep any racial references out for the morals police - JT)