View Full Version : Mystery 747 @ LHR

28th Feb 2002, 15:16

Was sat in my 737-500 waiting for pushback yesterday (Wed 27th Feb) at LHR and was watching all the aircraft depart on 27R. I saw a plain white 747 take-off and didnīt know what it was. Anyone know? There were no markings at all from what I could see, just a lot of white paint.

Would appreciate it if anyone could clear this up for me!


no sponsor
28th Feb 2002, 15:32
Sounds like Israeli operated cargo transport.

28th Feb 2002, 17:45
Could be one of the Middle East rulers planes, although these usually have a small flag somewhere on the tail. The Sultan of Brunei is also a regular visitor, but often goes into Brize.. .Here is his colour scheme, courtesy of Lee Collins. Yes I know it is only white on top!

<a href="http://www.leecollins.co.uk/v8ali.jpg" target="_blank">http://www.leecollins.co.uk/v8ali.jpg</A>

Image change to URL following later posting.

[ 28 February 2002: Message edited by: newswatcher ]</p>

Greg Baddeley
28th Feb 2002, 17:57
There's an all-white 747 (A6-GDP) that knocks around UK quite a lot - Air Gulf Falcon? (I'm not 100% on the operator) Has no markings at all apart from the registration mark.

28th Feb 2002, 18:46
Nopaxthanx, that looks like a good call, A6-GDP belongs to the Dubai Air Wing and looks like this:


1st Mar 2002, 11:17
I think no sponsor is right, if it is completely white without any registration it is probably an ElAl Cargo Plane. Seen it twice at CGN and I know a cargo worker there who told me it is an ElAl Freighter.. .Do they really think arabian terrorists wonīt bring down a plane if it does not look like it comes from Israel :)

1st Mar 2002, 12:46
Another point - is it legal to fly in the UK or any other european airspace without registration showing???