View Full Version : Minimum Fuel

22nd Oct 2011, 08:48
Heard an aircraft declare "minimum fuel" the other day. So what does that mean? Number One perhaps? :confused:

763 jock
22nd Oct 2011, 09:17
Minimum fuel is 30 minutes holding (aka final reserve) plus fuel to get to the designated alternate.

22nd Oct 2011, 10:34
"Fuel Emergency", or "minimum fuel" as you referred to, has no status in the UK. Guidance in UK AIC P045/2009.....[p is for pink]. AIC is Aeronautical Information Circular. Check out NATS | AIS (http://www.ais.org.uk)

Ginger Meggs
22nd Oct 2011, 12:07
The basic ICAO definition of "minimum fuel" is as follows (taken from Doc 4444):

Minimum fuel. The term used to describe a situation in which an aircraft's fuel supply has reached a state where little or no delay can be accepted.

Note.-This is not an emergency situation but merely indicates that an emergency situation is possible, should any undue delay occur.

22nd Oct 2011, 15:38
Correct response - 'Roger':)