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View Full Version : The nastiest wind component you ever tasted?

12th Jul 2001, 01:35
...what a/c type and which airport?

12th Jul 2001, 03:30
210 Kts, Enroute between Anchorage and Tokyo.
Don't remember the level

12th Jul 2001, 04:32
Just in light a/c, both C172

On the ground at Tamworth, NSW, Oz: enought to make taxiing impossible. Had to taxi in fits & starts between gusts over 45 kts. An unusually breezy day. Was able to take off when it dropped to about 40 kts at an angle.

Landing, Redcliffe, Qld, Oz: 30 to 35kts all across & very steady. That was doing 500' circuits with a little cyclone off the coast. Did wonders for my CPL student's x-wind technique.

[ 12 July 2001: Message edited by: Tinstaafl ]

12th Jul 2001, 05:52
At CYYT they have a thirty foot length of schooner chain attached to a fourty foot pole. When it's standing straight out, they allow 'tis a fair breeze, saar! :D

compressor stall
12th Jul 2001, 15:08
Just got over a spot of food poisoning in Katherine. Ate a curry as I was feeling better. I could make eyes water at 20 paces. :eek:

12th Jul 2001, 16:19
Don't tell me you were frequenting the back bar again, Stallie! :D

12th Jul 2001, 16:32
S.C and his nasty wind component http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/rotfl.gif

12th Jul 2001, 18:19
Can't quote you exact figures since that Cessna didn't have an indicator.
But I sure saw those three 727 exhausts upclose and it sure tipped us over.

Also saw a thunderstorm over Charlotte, N.C. flip over a shorts 360 that was parked.
Broke a wing off. The 2 crewmembers on board climbed out and then it caught fire.
Seriously heavy rain followed.

Code Blue
13th Jul 2001, 02:42
At CYYT they have a thirty foot length of schooner chain attached to a fourty foot pole. When it's standing straight out, they allow 'tis a fair breeze, saar!

My son, You can't usually see the chain because of the Fog. It's one of the few places I know where the water level in the toilet bowl can be used as a barometer :D

13th Jul 2001, 06:01
Maybe we should mention Wreck House. :eek:

13th Jul 2001, 13:42
145kts round about CPT last winter at 140, 100 of that on the nose

Max Angle
13th Jul 2001, 18:31
180kts on the nose Palma to London a few years ago. Dropped to 100kts after about 20mins, if had'nt we would have had to tech. stop for fuel.

13th Jul 2001, 19:45
BAe 146, Glasgow, January '93, wind check at the OM was 260/80kts. Phew :eek:

13th Jul 2001, 23:04
RJ1H, 280 kts sudden tail wind on downwind leg at 3.0 for a visual 10 at LSZH !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, then we crashed and burned. The sim as well...
Seems our TRI inserted a 0 too much ;)
Don't roll on the floor, tell you that falling and hanging in the belts is no fun in the sim either :(