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View Full Version : Corporate Negligence and us Pilots.

Brookfield Abused
21st Sep 2011, 09:51
I have been noticing the alarming trend of how the airlines I have worked for literally practice blatant but cunningly disguised Corporate Negligence over the years against us Pilots.

These individuals are Post Holders, Managers or Directors who really ignore the Safety Reports, E-mails, etc. or simply procrastinate in acting timely enough.

Whether busting FTL's in their planning/execution;
Breaching their own OM's;
Downright being the bully's with Staff to fly, perform ,ignore, etc.
Illegally dispatching new Trainee's who are no where near being able to perform their duties;
Questionable aircraft dispatching, and so.......

Of course one can always quit their job, but as we all know easier said then done.
It is just alarming this slippery down slope trend!

I would be very much appreciative for the inputs from fellow "qualified" Collegues who have experienced this and have had success (explain what methods worked) in reversing this trend.
For example, as anyone taken legal action preemptively?

Thanks for your support.

21st Sep 2011, 10:24
You seem pretty frustrated, maybe a little angry too. Well that's understandable, common even. I've certainly been there myself. One thing I can tell you for sure is that fighting any battle against management almost always demands a toll. You have to pick battles you can win and you have to fight those battles without being perceived as combative or just another disgruntled employee with an attitude problem. Allow yourself to lose your head and you've lost, maybe more than you can afford. And you'd be well advised to keep any ideas about legal action to yourself unless or until the papers are filed with the court.

So take a look at what specific problems you can contribute to solving and figure out a way to do it while presenting an image of helpful concern and a positive influence rather than someone who threatens the well being of the company and brings down morale. The best corporate in-fighters never seem to look they're fighting!

Hey good luck with whatever your issues with your employer are and be circumspect in what you say about them here.

Best regards,


23rd Sep 2011, 10:10
Illegally dispatching new Trainee's who are no where near being able to perform their duties;

And ignoring captains' reports on repeat offenders (F/O's) that exhibit a couldn't care less attitude on the flight deck, are smart-arses, turn up late for departure, and generally cause tension on the flight deck. And who need to dragged in for tea and bikkies and if no change in behaviour, get the sack.

23rd Sep 2011, 19:16

The solution? Stick to your values and start looking for a better job. You've got too much stacked against you. That's been my policy, and it has worked effectively for me in the past. Sad and frustrating, but true.