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View Full Version : EU Regulation: obligatory language skills of cabin staff ?

11th Sep 2011, 16:49
Does any such thing exist?

From my experience at my current advanced age I suspect the answer is "no" but I wonder if anyone can confirm this?

To take a random invented specific example, is it legal for a British airline with a British only crew to fly from Denmark to Greece without any cabin crew members having any ability in either Danish or Greek ?

(I am not interested in replies about the liklihood of such an event but rather about the legality. "Sorry.")

Many thanks to anyone who cares to reply.

11th Sep 2011, 19:13
As far as i know there is no international or european regulation about it, but there might be local regulations in each country. We do quite a bit of domestic flying in spain although we are based elsewhere in europe, spain demanded that at least one member of the cabin crew speaks spanish, if that can't be arranged an additional spanish speaking crew member must be taken aboard to translate and do announcements. Usually it was one of our spanish based ground staff members but now all pursers have been trained in spanish.