View Full Version : Why not cover runways with CCTV?

7th Jan 2002, 08:46
In light of the BHX accident recently, why are runways not covered with CCTV. If you think about how many CCTV cameras are around everywhere we go, street corners etc, and how many are in a terminal building for instance. You would think that all international airports would have them to help investigations (and Security).
I dont think cost is a good reason.

[ 07 January 2002: Message edited by: loggerhead ]</p>

Flying Bean
8th Jan 2002, 10:25
Yes I agree. Often thought of that myself.
Even if you only had one or two per runway and the quality was not the sharpest (due to large area covered) it would surely provide valuble and instant information for most incidents.
Birmingham ,which is a realatively small International airport, must have dozens already doing security work. <img src="confused.gif" border="0">

8th Jan 2002, 12:06
I can't remember that many incidents occurring on the runway - except in poor visibility ie where CCTV is useless.

In fact the only one I can remember at all is a light aircraft clipping an HS148 or a 737.... at Birmingham.

8th Jan 2002, 18:31
Twisted, are you serious?

How about Aer Arran Shorts 360 Sheffield Feb 2001; Emerald HS-748 Stansted Mar 1998; Air UK F-27 Guernsey Dec 1997; Titan Shorts-330 Liverpool Jan 1997; British Airtours 737 Manchester Aug 1985,...........not all fatal, but they could have been! All these found in 5 mins search time.

[ 08 January 2002: Message edited by: newswatcher ]</p>

Human Factor
8th Jan 2002, 18:36

The incident you refer to at BHX happened between an Aer Lingus 146 and a locally based PA38. It also happened in good visibility. The 146 began it's t/o roll on RW15 without clearance.

If I remember correctly, the report is on the AAIB website.

As to whether CCTV would have prevented this, probably not! BTW, at BHX, CCTV covers the end of RW33, which is not visible from the tower.

8th Jan 2002, 18:50
well if nothing else, it would sure assist the aaib as to exactly what went on, post accidient. it could work on the same principle as cvr's in that the camera records, say only the previous 30mins or so.

9th Jan 2002, 21:15
Yes Human F, I agree, CCTV would not prevent most, if any accidents, but like Boeingboy says, BHX was closed for a long time tying to piece all the facts together. Perhaps this process would have been speeded up, and be more accurate. Remember, the AAIB investigate incidents not only to find out what happened, but to make sure it doe not happen again. But you know all that...