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View Full Version : Swiss CAA website?

13th Aug 2001, 12:17
Just wanted to know if anyone out there had a website for the Swiss CAA as trying to get in touch with them over the phone is proving a bit of a nightmare at the moment.
Also, I've heard that the Swiss CAA do no give validations anymore however that if you have a JAR license there is no problem.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.

13th Aug 2001, 13:48
U are correct, as regs have changed (again) recently. There's now indeed "no problem" if U have a JAR licence & MCC, + EU passport, U can B employed by a Swiss company. However, this does NOT apply to holders of a national licence issued by a JAA country (eg UK). U'll have to get the JAR equivalent before applying for a job in Switzerland.


13th Aug 2001, 21:45
You can also work on a working visa, type B and another one. If you take a look at the Easyjet web page they have this info listed.
Here's a page of links in Switzerland www.nelly.ch (http://www.nelly.ch)
you should be able to find what you need there. I have also had trouble contacting the CAA over there however after a month or so they finaly replied to my email.
Hope this helps.

13th Aug 2001, 23:21
Thanks for the replies folks this is of great help.

17th Aug 2001, 12:50
Do you possibly have a Refernce for those new(?) regulations..ie Brit passport, Jar Atpl = no work permit required? Or am I missing somthing?
4g :confused: