View Full Version : Contact for French ATC

Jester Wester
31st Aug 2011, 13:58

Can anyone give me a contact address for ATC within the DGCA? I am wanting to talk about employment of a non-french national holding a European ATC license.

Merci beaucoup

ATC Watcher
31st Aug 2011, 19:39
Direction générale de l'aviation civile - Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement - Service-public.fr (http://lannuaire.service-public.fr/services_nationaux/administration-centrale-ou-ministere_172089.html)

when you get the reception ask for "recrutement exterieurs " but it may prove difficult if you do not speak french fluently.
Good luck .
For info, unless the law changed recently, they are possiblities but not for ICNA ( ATCO)

1st Sep 2011, 06:13
Arrêté Recrutement ICNA/TSEEAC RUE 2011 06/06/2011

RUE = Ressortissant Union Européenne

Arrêté du 31 mai 2011 autorisant au titre de l'année 2011 l'ouverture d'un concours sur titres pour le recrutement d'ingénieurs du contrôle de la navigation aérienne : Détail d'un texte (http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000024114423&dateTexte=&categorieLien=id)

Arrêté du 31 mai 2011 autorisant au titre de l'année 2011 l'ouverture d'un concours sur titres pour le recrutement de techniciens supérieurs des études et de l'exploitation de l'aviation civile : Détail d'un texte (http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000024113882&dateTexte=&categorieLien=id)

Basically with TWR rating only you have to go for the TSEEAC recruitement (technician), and with all the ratings you can apply for ICNA (engineer). Hope you are not working in Frankfurt TWR or one of the TWRs of London, you're gonna end up in Meaux or Chavenay :E

For the record : 5 ICNA and 4 TSEEAC for 2011
ICNA : 2 Cayenne, 2 Beauvais, 1 Rodez
TSEEAC : 1 Toussus, 1 Saint Cyr, 1 Nimes, 1 Albert Bray

Hope this will help.

1st Sep 2011, 12:30
Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile
Division recrutement
50, rue Henry Farman
75720 Paris Cedex 15

Phone : +33-1-58-09-46-80

Might be too late for this year, but there's nothing bad in trying anyway.

You'll have to pass exams first (part of them in French, I'm afraid).
Then you'll have to start a new training from scratch (almost).

Don't expect to be paid as much as you may be in UK.
And you could be hired as a contractor, not sure there will be a possibilty to move from your first assigned place. :confused:
I knew a contractor who had to get French nationality first, then pass further exams (Ingenieur à la Française) before he could ask to move... it might have changed.

Good Luck ! :ok:

Jester Wester
1st Sep 2011, 13:06
Thanks for the help,
I will contact the DGCA recruitment team and see how I get on. In the meantime I'll keep practicing my French!

2nd Sep 2011, 16:12
Hi Jester

Alternatively, check this website : Bienvenue (http://www.bluesky-atc.org/)

Jester Wester
3rd Sep 2011, 09:43
Thanks Mana, have checked out Blue sky very interesting. I guess I am going to have to get an ASCERTY keyboard now or create shortcut keys for accents!
