View Full Version : Attention Hong Kong Express Pilots

23rd Aug 2011, 04:12
Dear All,

I am asking you all for your help. We the management have recently had to cancel flights due to lack of crews. This is really not looking good for our record of achievement and may put my job at jeopardy.
So, I ask ALL crews to please assist me in keeping my position. You can do this by accepting all requests to work on your DDO. Once you move in management and you are given the BIG PICTURE, you too will then understand what we are trying to achieve here.

I am soory I can't share the BIG PICTURE with the rest of you, but in time you will see.

Thank You

The BIG PICTURE.............. I Have It, You Don't.

XOP's............ The Only Way To Operate...........

The Counter
26th Aug 2011, 11:09
What a load of crap.
Get a life and an airline.
Big Picture = A **** run mainland managed crap airline.

26th Aug 2011, 19:08
Excuse me,

Could you explain why the Airline is not recruiting pilots please? :sad:
I do not understand.
Many thanks.

27th Aug 2011, 02:53

After sending those insidious, unprofessional and inarticulate emails back in January, titled, ' Company Culture ' you have nothing but destroyed the professionalism of your flight crew. But it goes deeper than that. YOU HAVE NO RESPECT, absolutely NONE. The crew are fed up by your unprofessional standards or lack of in most cases. You keep preaching the crew dont see ' The Big Picture '. What is all that about ? Again, I suspect its another one of your downfalls as a professional aviator, a term loosely used when in your presence. Just ask the ex HKE boy's now at KA.

27th Aug 2011, 04:41
Could you explain why the Airline is not recruiting pilots please?What do you mean ? Their website advert is still there:
http://www.hkairlines.com/cms/language!searchCareerDetial.action?languageParam.moduleId=10 000289367&clanguage=&country_code=HK&request_locale=en_GB (http://www.hkairlines.com/cms/language%21searchCareerDetial.action?languageParam.moduleId= 10000289367&clanguage=&country_code=HK&request_locale=en_GB)

27th Aug 2011, 04:59
They are experiencing the same problem that KAL is: They will not meet their recruiting goals for this year....or the ANA 767 contract operation: They recently had to cancel a new hire class for lack of pilots....or the US regionals are having: New hire classes only 1/2 full....or China is having: T&Cs are going up and up and up as they get more and more desperate for pilots....or EK/QR is having: EK has lowered their mins about 5 times since they started hiring in 2009.


28th Aug 2011, 10:26
Is the Opening Post in this thread Satire ? :ok:

29th Aug 2011, 09:53

Yes, it would appear it was intended to be satire but one cant miss the opportunity to vent one's disgust at an INEPT,INCOMPETENT, UNPROFESSIONAL individual !!

7th Sep 2011, 06:46
The minimums are so LOW for the first officer that even a first year regional FO can qualify for the 737.

So, some questions come in mind....

1) Why is this company not getting the pilots??
2) What is the pay & perks pkg being offerered......
3) Is there a bond for non type rated First officers

Can some pls shed more light on this company.

Boss Sini
16th Sep 2011, 08:50
Senior management thanked him for the mass resignation, this helped the company to cancel flights :D reduce loses :D reduce labour costs :D A vital asset to the company - yeah! :ok:

F/O thanked him for creating upgrade opportunities - yeah ! :ok:

Senior management begged him to stay in management, because:
1) He walked away from a/c wreckage twice :D
2) He know how to fly the a/c to and over its limits- you dont :=
3) He is god's gift to aviation :ok: you are not :=
4) Yes - he got the big picture - you don't:=

If you don't pose these qualities then pls shut up and look up to him.:E

17th Sep 2011, 04:54

You've forgotten the inflight fuel emergency too. Diverted to ZGGG, tried to "beat" a typhoon and asking f/o's to look down from outside the window to obtain the required visual reference on finals....c'mon !! Word on the street he wont be there much longer.

17th Sep 2011, 08:48
I 've sent them a resume recently.

Has there anyone been invited for an interview for the A320 fleet, or a class date? Where exactly do they send their pilots for the type rating?

17th Sep 2011, 09:30
Would that be 001 (same same but different to 007)?.....

The Counter
17th Sep 2011, 20:54
If you don't pose these qualities then pls shut up and look up to him.

Having a severe case of small mans syndrome, I would have to stand in a rather large hole to look up too him.

18th Sep 2011, 11:21
Guys its very very clear why HKA is not getting more pilots.

There are plenty of "adequate" pilots with Jet time who would go - if you paid the same as KA/CX.

They could hire 30 NX pilots in a heartbeat if they really wanted to, Captains and FOs.

18th Sep 2011, 22:43
This Tread was for HKE, so are we talking about HKE or HKA? Clearly HKE operate the B737

20th Sep 2011, 06:36
You guys are not learning from anything at all.
They pay sxxt pay, you take, it's the game of Singapore INC. These are the rejects that didn't make left seat in Singapore Airlines and all were kicked out of the company due various problems. But that doesn't mean they didn't learn anything from the old company. They are doing whatever they can, for short term gain, and the mainland idiots are oblivious to these tactics since they are dumb and ignorant and too happy to have someone running the show for them.
Bond, low pay, management performance bonus, sound too familiar. Too bad you gwei low and the desperado will take the bait anyway.

20th Sep 2011, 11:30
TGOC - correct me if im wrong but i thought bond is illegal in HK -

15th Oct 2011, 00:04
Some may have forgotten or some may not know:

even though the EX MAN fails FO's while they attempt to upgrade he has a similar history.

EX MAN failed his first Line Check....

A couple of years later he failed a PC check at Oxford....

aye carumba

15th Oct 2011, 00:39
I fail to see you point of view.

Lets get one thing straight hear. I have crashed a couple of airplanes, I have failed my upgrade check twice, ( but let me tell you that was simply cause the checkers where so impressed with my natural abilities that they felt I need to be "brought down a notch or two" before being released to line, I have been told by just about everyone I have met that I am a complete fecken idiot.....

Having taken all this into account you still miss the final difference between me and the FO I fail today

I HAVE THE BIG PICTURE..............

No that we clear up this lets move on so I can continue to be the aviator I am and show them how to be airline pilots..

The BIG PICTURE.......I Have It, You Don't.....

XOP's..........The Only Way To Operate .........

20th Oct 2011, 04:27
Oh ' X ', silly silly, silly little man. I still find myself laughing when you tell the story the reason behind your failure(s) when you failed your command upgrade. The consipracy one is the best.

Everyone is aware of what you think about current and former employee's, including the former GMF (x2) and Trg Mgr(x2) and of course the many comments you make about the management of HKA.

But we live in hope. In ABO the other day the word is getting stronger that your time IS UP. The demise of HKE GMF is near !!

26th Oct 2011, 17:08
There will be a big party when x is gone. So much for him saving the airline millions of dollars as he claimed he would. What a joke. Do the math.
He has driven out +30% of the pilots since he bs'd his way into the job.

28th Oct 2011, 08:36
Interesting comments by "Arrowhead"who claims they would get pilots if they paid the same as CX/KA.The truth is that after you deduct tax,school fees,accomodation,food {none of which is fresh}and no substantial pension plan then even CX/KA are not paying enough to be in the seat at 3am on the way to India!
The most important part of any salary package is the retirement plan\provident fund.Yep you dont think of it in your "thirties"but once you hit 45 it becomes your parachute out of the industry and needs to be substantial.Remember you never know when is your last flight, medical, company going bust,crap rosters,a bad check therefore you need a financial road out.
HKG has become one of the most expensive and polluted cities to exist in ,so the money and pension better be good otherwise its not worth it.
The embarrassingly large profits by the industry is a testament that money is being made by shareholders ,but unfortunatly not to present day pilots based in Asia. :ouch:

Sue Ridgepipe
18th Nov 2011, 09:54
Hong Kong budget airline planned | Flight Centric News | FC News | Flight Centric (http://www.flightcentric.com/FC/FCnews/Hong-Kong-budget-airline-planned-3234.aspx)
Does this mean the end is near for the days of XOPs?

19th Nov 2011, 00:31

What the hell are you talking about, the end of me?, you joking me are you. don't forget I have the big picture remember. I knew this was going to happen all along. Even though I been telling everyone the HKA 737 will come to HKE, i knew already that that was not going to happen.
I tell you what will happen, the company will endorse me on airbus and then expect me to train all you other useless crews. With my exceptional piloting abilities and natural skills it won't take me more than a few weeks to become the best airbus pilot in the world, as I have been the best boeing pilot in the world for many years now.
It may seem to an outsider of management that we have no idea what is going on. We all telling you one thing then the President says something else. It is all a game we play to keep you out of the big picture. But don't get me wrong here the Company NEEDS my skills and they know it, just wait until I am checking all you crews on the bus, I had better not see any one reading any of the manuals or thats a instant fail, don't forget what I have always said. "The manuals are only there for inexperienced pilots"
You not get rid of me that easy.

The BIG PICTURE.............. I Have It, You Don't.

XOP's............ The Only Way To Operate...........

19th Nov 2011, 12:44
x will always pretend to know what's going on when the reality is that no one does.

u3k bus driver
22nd Nov 2011, 03:58
correct me if im wrong but i thought bond is illegal in HK

Anyone know if this is true and if so, could you please share the source for reference?

22nd Nov 2011, 04:18
In word, 'YES'. HKE have lost driver's who were bonded only for them to do a 'runner' The company has never chased them nor even attempted.

u3k bus driver
22nd Nov 2011, 05:09
I do not know what it means "to do a 'runner'"

22nd Nov 2011, 12:46
It means HUNDREDS of guy have left HKA and HKE
Without paying bonds. Company knows they
are unable collect, never have tried

Boss Sini
27th Dec 2011, 04:39
We saw you interview on 8/F citygate.
HK Jet say := they need more testimonial from those who worked with you.

27th Dec 2011, 05:20
The reputation of this disgusting, vile, ugly person is well known to all concern. His time is up, slowly but surely. Well all know who the next GMF at HKE will be.

27th Dec 2011, 14:53
Greetings to all!
I recently received and filled out an application for Hong Kong Airlines (B737 driver)!
Can anyone tell me about the pay (Capt & FO), benefits, any accommodations, schedule etc.


27th Dec 2011, 15:20
Why would you apply for something without knowing the COS?

Cpt. Underpants
27th Dec 2011, 15:54
He's just checking if Mr. Spocks' "mind meld" information is accurate! You just can't trust Vulcans...

27th Dec 2011, 16:55
clearly someone who thinks HKE/HKA are same same

31st Dec 2011, 03:13
If x needs a character reference for his job application he is in big trouble. I've never seen an individual held in such contempt as he is by the pilot group at HKE. It will be better for all concerned if he's gone.

7th Jan 2012, 09:38
More captains about to leave HKE. Simon, how many more are you willing to see leave because no one can work with x? Have you looked at how many good pilots have resigned since x bs'd his way into the general mismanager of flight and what he has cost the airline? At what point will you ask yourself why can no one work with him and what are the benifits of having him remain? Name one for us please. Compare what the airline was before x was acting gmf and the crumbling shell of what it has become. You have a responsibility to the airline, the remaining pilots, most of which are actively looking elsewhere and yourself to remove the cancerous tumor in that office. How far will you allow the operation to further deteriorate before you act? Look at what this place has become and where it it is going. Is it all part of the big picture because it's not turning out too well.

7th Jan 2012, 14:49
Once again...
Info on Hong Kong Express and Hong Kong Airlines (B737 driver) please!
Can anyone tell me about the pay (Capt & FO), benefits, any accommodations, schedule etc.


7th Jan 2012, 16:16
How hard can it be??? If you are smart enough to login you must be smart enough to use the search function.

13th Jan 2012, 16:52
Yea guys.....can't find any info on updated pilot salaries anywhere on the web....any info would be greatly appreciated. Saw something about Captains getting just under US$4K a month which I think is absurd or outdated.

Jaz and the Fat Man
14th Jan 2012, 20:51
A buddy of mine works there and says the pay is around 10K USD but expensive for housing......

19th Jan 2012, 13:27
Salary is like beatiful women...they more beer you drink the more of them you see

25th Jan 2012, 05:07
What's the point coming to HKE ? We've lost Manila and as of March ... Sopporo. Is the demise of HKE near ?

27th Jan 2012, 23:57
i have an interview with HKA next 10 days so please tell me the truth, they said will give 8500 usd ,,is this ok for housing and to save some money and how much it cost to rent flat close to the airport

28th Jan 2012, 11:57
Hong Kong Fooeey????


28th Jan 2012, 12:30
i have an interview with HKA next 10 days so please tell me the truth, they said will give 8500 usd is this ok for housing and to save some money and how much it cost to rent flat close to the airport That salary is for a senior first officer. You will be on a much lower salary than that.

Salary for <1500 hours and <500 Jet you will get 27,000 per month
Experience on 737 but < 1500 hours jet you will get 40000 a month
>3000 hours Jet, you will get 65000 a month

Rents near the airport start at 25,000 Hong Kong Dollars a Month or $3225usd. That is for a small 1000sq ft (100sq meter) apartment in Discovery Bay. The nice expat life in the city is not possible on that salary. See for yourself.
Discovery Bay Property Search | Discovery Bay Residential Listings | GoHome (http://www.gohome.com.hk/residential/property/Discovery-Bay/en/?minsize=1000&district=70&property=0&date=0&lang=en&type=2)

Buy Property in Hong Kong | Hong Kong Homes for Sales and Rent | GoHome (http://www.gohome.com.hk/english/home.asp/en/)

28th Jan 2012, 12:35
Depending on your total hours you will be required to sign a Bond for 30,000 USD and 3 years or 50,000 and 5 years if you are non type rated. :ok:

28th Jan 2012, 12:45
Rents near the airport start at 25,000 Hong Kong Dollars a Month or $3225usd. That is for a small 1000sq ft (100sq meter) apartment in Discovery Bay. The nice expat life in the city is not possible on that salary. See for yourself.

I was in tung Chung today and saw rent for 1000sq apartment for $13,000. Before you start on about tung Chung etc, I would rather live there than DB anyday.

29th Jan 2012, 02:02
The estates in Tung Chung all have much nicer private club facilities than the overpriced and very public facilities in Discovery Bay. You can also have a car, and get a 3 bedrm 1200 sq ft place for around $20,000.

Iron Skillet
29th Jan 2012, 05:56
I too would recommend TC over DB, specially for someone working at the airport. Half the price, twice the convenience.

If TC's convenience is not your thing, then bring a big checkbook to Mid-Levels, where 25000HKD/mo in rent (5M to buy) should get you 450 sq. ft. and unlimited locations to buy your 60HKD beer.

29th Jan 2012, 06:35
It has been 3 years ago now, but lived in Caribbean Coast in a small (70 m2 or so) 2 Br 1 Ba that was livable (new and top floor - 65) for 2. Certainly 2nd Br was tiny and only used for storage, but for a couple of years, not horrible living. Right @ 1000 US. Shopping, eating and drinking a short walk, DB is a short bus ride (more places to eat and drink), and Hong Kong -a doable train ride away. In general, I was quite surprised how one could find quite reasonable places to eat and drink in 'downtown' Hong Kong - especially for lunch and during 'happy hours'. When first arrived, I was peaved at living 'not in town', but after looking, busy, busy place - that Hong Kong. Probably not a 'lifelong job' anyway...... :ok:

Just my 2 cents :rolleyes:.

29th Jan 2012, 13:11
Probably the biggest issue for anyone considering moving to HKG is schooling.

Getting kids into a decent school can be difficult and very expensive. This is not just an issue for expats, since most locals are just as keen to get their kids into the same schools.

So, if you are considering bringing your kids to HKG, or starting a family soon after moving here, then you need to plan your finances accordingly. :sad:

One reason that DB is generally more expensive than TC is that there are more options for education for non Cantonese speaking kids.

2nd Feb 2012, 04:32
What captains get per month in hke nowaday?

2nd Feb 2012, 13:08
No options for schooling in Db unless you have 400k or more for a debenture. We have been in Hk 10 years and cannot even get an interview at dc or dibs. Even Kowloon junior.

5th Feb 2012, 08:16
When you go for the interview at HKE ask how many hrs need to be flown to earn the promised salary and ask what the crews are actually flying now. You can expect to hear exactly what you want to as HKE management will look you straight in the eye and spout lie after lie. Do not trust these amatures. Also ask why so many flight crew have left and if the gmf x is still telling pilots to look down out L2 for the ground at minimums. Let's hope he dosen't crash a third aircraft.

25th Feb 2012, 05:30
Just curious,


[in the HK SAR HKCAD region]

but can you record F-16 time as multi crew and multi engine if you are in formation? maybe this is just a regional procedure from the lyin' city...

(guess it is a toss up if it is better classified as Parker P-38 time)


25th Feb 2012, 06:13
When you come to Hong Kong and your filling in your appllication for pilots license,
when you get to the questions thats asks if you have ever had any accidents or incidents. Remember to tick NO even if you have had say, 2 in your previous jobs. They never checked upped on this so you will be fine to go into a management position no problems.
How do I know this?, Lets just say it worked for a good friend of mine ;)

The BIG PICTURE.............. I Have It, You Don't.

XOP's............ The Only Way To Operate...........

4th Mar 2012, 07:23
x has to stay at HKE because there will be no other airlines who would touch him given his history. The amateur show continues. Let's hope his third prang is not in a 737. What a despicable character to think he has the credentials to supervise professionals. He fooled Khalid and Simon but everyone else sees him for what he is.

4th Mar 2012, 19:42
I continue to shake my head and laugh at this pathetic individual. The email requesting to use the call sign "shuttle " instead of using the correct ICAO terminology, "Hong Kong Shuttle" and advising crew that speeds, altitude constraints on the Jepp charts are advisable only ! I tell my blokes, "endeavour to meet these requirements ( sometimes difficult, atc flow mgt etc ) or request a waiver. I usually get the response, XMGH says," we don't need to adhere to these " ! My reply is a courteous, professional response and sometimes a quick debrief on the ground.

We ( HKE flight crew ) and the DFO know that the GMF has limited capacity based on his aptitude and low experience on flying high perf. Jet transport aircraft in addition to his astonshing poor management skills but hang in there troops he IS short lived in his role here at HKE and in H.K..... it will happen ..... soon !!

5th Mar 2012, 12:10
Just read this thread out of curiosity since I've left and wondering what was going on in the company..But if I recall correctly this was actually requested by HKG ATC somewhere in 2006..

Sorry I had nothing better today then browse these threads..as it is raining outside

5th Mar 2012, 18:05
Coastrider, yes you are correct but operating into different FIR's is a different story.

16th Mar 2012, 05:31
GMF X email to all pilots..All transmissions with Hong Kong ATC, crews should use the "Hong Kong Shuttle" on the initial contact only and then any subsequent contact should use the prefix of "shuttle"This email to all pilots about shuttle call-sign proves what a unprofessional and arrogant individual he is. but operating into different FIR's is a different story. He gave a 2 on a line check because the pilot used "Hong Kong Shuttle" in Japan FIR. The pilot was correct and Mr arrogance was wrong but he is too stupid to realise that the Hong Kong Atc approved "shuttle" call-sign does not mean it applies to every FIR on the planet. He is just trying to prove his points to satisfy his gigantic out of control ego. Unfortunately for him it just makes him look even more stupid.

SIMON WU. How much longer are you going to keep this guy? He is the most unprofessional leader most of us have ever met and his lack of professionalism will eventually be the demise of the company. His personality to get the job done at any cost despite the rules and regs is a safety risk. Is it true he has more severe foqa alerts than any other pilot? More over speeds, long landings, flap over speeds, unstable approaches, taxi over speed nearing 45 kts and he is trying to teach veteran pilots how to fly "his way"? If you want the morale and standard to improve and for pilots to stay longer than 12 months he needs to go. As soon as possible. When he is gone I will withdraw my Emirates application. If he stays we will all move on.

7Q Off
16th Mar 2012, 18:02
How much is the pay for a junior captain, less than 1500 pic in NG? Tks.

4th Apr 2012, 13:49
@7Q Off (http://www.pprune.org/members/121938-7q-off) :rolleyes:

Here is the Captain salary.:ugh:
Let me google that for you (http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=Hong+Kong+Express+pilot+salary)

Delayed Flap App
18th Aug 2012, 06:11
The infamous grey haired godfather is gone but X remains. One bad apple gone but one still remains.

You must all be so relieved that that arrogant TRE has gone. You know theone that used to shout, scream and insult during the simulator pc, and the aircraft for that matter. My favourite moments were when he would be proven totally wrong in black and white Boeing reference and that would just make him scream and shout even more. No apology, no CRM, no admission that well we all make mistakes, just arrogance dating back to his early Varig e days. I have met one of his ex collegues in Anchorage a while back he also could not stand the guy back when they worked in Varig. His so called friends at Brasillian Coast Tung Chung put up with him because they have no other choice.

His personal flying standard was the worst in company and he has the record for the most go arounds due to unstable pilot induced error. The second record he holds is most unstable approaches that were continued (even after the co-pilot called unstable) Well done you legend. Hope you’re enjoying the CAD because we all know they are not enjoying you.

Boeing Europe
18th Aug 2012, 11:04
Are they still recruiting Fo's on the NG

19th Aug 2012, 05:01
:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh: :rolleyes:

21st Aug 2012, 05:01
Are they still recruiting Fo's on the NG

I hear they are and probably will be hiring forever because they are not a career airline where you will want to spend your entire working life with.

They do not have the foresight to even try and make it a happy place to work.

The Chief Pilot is an egotistical maniac who must control everything and everyone including each and every individual annual leave holiday application to the PIC's decision of what to do via ACARS message. (He will tell FOCC what to tell the captain via cell phone while sitting at the stars bar with WU WU!!!!)

Any safety investigations are dealt with by him instead of letting the safety department independently and confidentially handle it. This is a conflict of interest as many of the safety issues are related to his macho flying techniques and training which encourages selectively ignoring the manuals and recommendations whenever the pilot wishes. The civil aviation department should be asking why he is interfering with any internal safety investigations at all!

The company was understaffed in all departments so nothing will ever improve.This includes HR department which could and should improve conditions and culture but do not.

So yes they I am sure they are hiring and will always be hiring. They especially love hiring co-pilots who have paid to go through a training course which includes PAYING for their job at the end of the training. If you are an experienced co-pilot with real experience and have worked hard to get where you are do not bother applying.

LIONAIR pilots that PAID to fly and are proven BOND BREAKERS are more than welcome. HKE loves pilots who have a proven history of not completing the bond or contract agreement. The sad fact of the matter is these are the only pilots in the world that are willing to apply and work at HKE. What does that say about the company and the management? :confused:

23rd Aug 2012, 07:28
I have no problem with your post intelli.. But people warned for these kind of things as far back as 2005 as the old CP and friends did the same but couldn't get their hands on the FOQA/QAR data. Guess the safety officer/ HKEPA are missing spines...rumor has it they have been used to strengthen the wingspar of a certain acft :E:E

Anyway to stay on topic..People must have warned you when you joined..Now lets hear why YOU joined HKE and when you figured it was not worth it.

25th Aug 2012, 06:32
Of course I wanted to hear your story as well...How else would you come across sincere..How many people tell you not to join CX on this forum maybe they have a point nowadays...

But those old E170's where sure as hell shinny jets...Nowadays there are better looking DC8's around than those filthy 738's they operate

26th Aug 2012, 03:20
Haversux...... Time for you to go , oh that's right, your reputation is well known throughout the aviation community here in HK that you can't go anywhere !

People are aware of your lies, professionalism ( lack of ) and backstabbing of the pilots at HKE but backstabbing/ cheating is another story, isn't it .....

26th Aug 2012, 06:25
Haversux...... Time for you to go , oh that's right, your reputation is well known throughout the aviation community here in HK that you can't go anywhere !

People are aware of your lies, professionalism ( lack of ) and backstabbing of the pilots at HKE but backstabbing/ cheating is another story, isn't it .....
XMGH CI 65 (http://www.pprune.org/members/367895-xmgh-ci-65)
As always you are talking in riddles. Are you talking about him breaking the company rulebook by seducing young impressionable flight attendants half his age as a senior manager, or something more sinister?

This is a rumour network. Tell us the newest rumour :E

26th Aug 2012, 11:00

Having difficulty understanding what I have written ? You're not very bright are you. I suspect you are one who has limited comprehension or you are just plain STUPID ! My guess is the former .... want me to explain what that means ?

26th Aug 2012, 11:36
People are aware of your lies, professionalism ( lack of ) and backstabbing of the pilots at HKE but backstabbing/ cheating is another story, isn't it ..... I guess I must be STUPID because I can not figure out who or what he cheated. His ATPL exams perhaps? The taxation department? Cheated on his wife? I am just too stupid to understand your perfectly clear post.:hmm:

10th Oct 2012, 09:12
Heard the GMF had a big suss with the DFO 3 weeks ago and they havent spoken since. Whats the agenda? :D

10th Oct 2012, 17:54
Why do you think there has to be an agenda?

I am just trying to get closer to the top in my usual ways.

F#%&ing over everyone I can.


The BIG PICTURE.............. I Have It, You Don't.

XOP's............ The Only Way To Operate...........

8th Nov 2012, 01:03
There an equation to this theory

the value is DFO>GMF therefore

