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low n' slow
5th Aug 2001, 23:55
Hey all! I'm sorry for clogging up the board with all my weird little questions! But I've been pondering on the correct radio phraseology when approaching a controlled aerodrome VFR, with whom there has been no prior contact.
Is it possible to use the word inbound, without cunfusing it with the inbound turn for an NDB? The aerodrom from which I've opperated mostly uses entry/exit points as there is no radar, but when there is radar?
Is the following correct?
XXX X-XX inbound for landing...
This question might seem odd, but I've heard them say on the radio: X-XX XXX report when starting inbound turn for XX... , so I'm just wondering. Any suggestions?

6th Aug 2001, 13:23
Always remember, ATCOs are people too...(usually)!

As long as you speak clearly, and ask for confirmation of anything you don't understand, you will be fine. Don't get too hung up on the 'proper' way to say things if you are unsure - ATC would rather you talked to them in plain language than struggle on with a lack of situational awareness for everyone.

ATC will know which aircraft are in any procedure, and if you call up telling them you are inbound they are unlikely to get confused (unless they are VERY busy, or an aircraft with similar callsign is on the procedure - in which case just be explicit about your position and intentions)

To give you a suggestion, how about "Stockholm Tower, X-XX 10 miles NW request visual join"? Leaves no doubt as to your intentions and ATC can plan for your arrival and issue extra instuctions if required.

Don't be frightened of ATC - just talk to 'em!

low n' slow
6th Aug 2001, 15:24
Cheers! I'm just trying to be ahead of things. Ofcourse it's unnecesary to get tangled up in a bunch of words and ways to use them. But if the pilot and ATC are able to use them, this makes for fast, efficient communication. This can sometimes be annoying when approaching the airport, not getting your information through because of other pilots inefficiency over the radio.
I'm not afraid to speak normally to ATC. I remember once when I'd made a mistake with my flighplan, and it'd closed before T/O.
ATC could hear my voice was nervous (I was lost at the time and on the wrong altitude...) and took the initiative to speek freely. In those situations it's a given to not make things more complicated than they are. But for normal RT procedures, efficiency I feel is quite necessary with todays amount of traffic.

Delta Wun-Wun
6th Aug 2001, 17:00
I fly out of Coventry,didn`t learn there.They have Visual Reporting Points.Shout them up when you are near one and they get you home.Always found them very helpful,even when they are very busy. :)

Final 3 Greens
6th Aug 2001, 17:50
Low N Slow

This is my call - hope it helps. It looks like a lot of words on paper, but if spoken clearly and without hesitation it is quite fast to say:

"(Controlled Airfield station name), G-ABCD, (Aircraft type), VFR arrival from (aerodrome), at (Reporting point or position), at X feet (altitude or height as appropriate) request joining instructions for your (air)field." You can add ETA to the field or ETE to a zone if appropriate.

I find that this call is understood well and have used it in several counries.

Your point about "inbound" being confused with a procedure is a good one. I have heard this happen at Southend Aiport with two aircraft with a similar call sign.

[ 06 August 2001: Message edited by: Final 3 Greens ]

B clam
6th Aug 2001, 21:05
Agree with all above but if you are going into a busy a/f with radar, keep the r/t succint.

Establish contact first: "xxx App, G-ABCD"
When told to pass msg:
"G-ABCD PA-28 for VFR arrival. 10nm to N at 2000' on 1020."

The controller will ask for anymore info. Also, PLEASE listen out b4 Tx!!

low n' slow
7th Aug 2001, 11:20
Cheers all! Seems like all of these works for me. However, I've rarely come across people who state the A/C type (other than heavy :D ). I believe it's already stated in the flightplan. But perhaps it's a good idea to do so anyway...

Final 3 Greens
7th Aug 2001, 12:13
low n' slow

The reason I mentioned a/c type is that I was assuming that the VFR flight would be made without a flight plan.

F3G :)

[ 07 August 2001: Message edited by: Final 3 Greens ]

low n' slow
8th Aug 2001, 13:11
Ah ok. Since I always fly in mountainous areas I have to submit a flightplan. It's never occured to me that I don't have to submit a f/p...