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View Full Version : Wrong residual crab on touchdown

Kilda Ste Hilda
29th Jul 2011, 23:25
I have this major problem after converting from narrow body to wide body aircraft: when there is some significant crosswind ( but not that strong ) I sometimes have this almost on touchdown despite making the decrab and straightening the nose. Somehow tha nose get pointing to downwid leading to a cruncher spoiling an otherwise good approach and flare. My skippers had helped me analysed those tendencies of the nose to go downwind; one surmised that I had relaxed on the upwind aileron prior to touchdown, one thought that I had too much rudder, one reckoned that " I has stopped flying the aircraft prior to touchdown letting the aircraft do it's own thing", etc. One was kinder, he reckoned that there might have been a wind shift just prior to touchdown!

I have never had this problem on the short narrow bodies but this is getting me all upset. Has anybody encounter such a problem? It's destroying my confidence in handling a big jet in variable wind conditions! Please help!

30th Jul 2011, 00:37
More rotational inertia is causing you to overcorrect? Try removing (by your eye) half of what you think you need...

As long as your velocity vector is straight down the runway, it doesn't much matter.

30th Jul 2011, 00:48
Half decrab is better than over decrab, aim for half first, then as you get more confidence tend to fully decrab progressively. On a wet runway or with strong gusty crosswind half decrab is better anyway, and depending on the aircraft fast decrab can induce such an induced roll that full ailerons ain't enough to counter.

30th Jul 2011, 06:28
I'd say that you have a wrong visual reference of the airplane longitudinal axis. Most likely due to the change of airplane.