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View Full Version : jumpseating.......

10th Jul 2001, 00:11
Could somebody explain me, why it is not possible to jumpseat with the
european major airlines?
What is IFALPA doing about it?
What are the european pilots unions doing
about it?


10th Jul 2001, 01:08
At my lot, unless under training, we will accept J/S passengers pretty much the whole time, but you have to have a ticket! J/S's are released to our own staff (not just pilots, but any airline employee) then other airline crew.

Not quite R+N, Questions maybe?


Willie Eckerslike
11th Jul 2001, 19:11
In the company I work for (a major european airline) the jumpseat is available at the captains descretion. He may refuse or accept anyone except those required to be there by the company (training Capts, CAA etc). It is often reserved by staff travelling on standby tickets.

In general most Capts wont accept members of the public for take-off or landing because you just never know how they might react (air sickness, contant questions at inappropriate times etc)

There is however a possibility that, if you are a flying enthusiast or better still have a PPL which you can produce, you may be offered the jumpseat.

Dont ask at the check in or departure gate as the message will probrably get lost along the way. Do ask the cabin supervisor when you board.

Remember occupation of the jumpseat is a privilage not a right.

11th Jul 2001, 20:40
Guys, I think you dont understand Worpspeeds terminology of "jumpseating" It is not about getting a look see in the cockpit or utilising the jumpseat as a last resort.

It is about travelling for FREE if you have a ATPL etc, ID and an agreement between your company and theirs - with of course the skippers say so.

It is a FANTASTIC arangement which many US pilots utilise to travel to thier bases and one that we desperatly should have in Europe.

11th Jul 2001, 23:03
Thanks snubber, now we are talking.
Its about jumpseating, the American way.
You show your ATPL,Airline ID to the gate-
agent and you fill out a jumpseat form
then you show your credentials to the Capt.
and you are on.
Does any European Major or Regional carrier/
commuter let you ride the jumpseat?
Anybody has some experience?
